Estimado/a: Junto con saludarle cordialmente y en mi calidad de presidente de los Comités de Acceso Universitario y Técnico Profesional – compuestos por rectores de Universidades, Centros de Formación Técnica e Institutos Profesionales - deseo informarle que a partir...
Colegios en tiempos de cuarentena
Learn today, earn tomorrow School closures in poor countries could be devastating And governments are bungling their response InternationalJul 18th 2020 edition Jul 18th 2020 JOHANNESBURG, PARIS AND SÃO PAULO Editor’s note: Some of our covid-19 coverage is free for...
Kenneth Rogoff: Universidades tras las cuarentenas
Will Universities Learn from Lockdowns? Jul 6, 2020KENNETH ROGOFF The COVID-19 crisis is likely to bring about further rapid and far-reaching shifts in the economic ground beneath us. But we need not view these changes with dread if the pandemic also propels a...
OECD: Impuestos y mejor educación
Creating a virtuous circle between better education and a more sustainable tax system OECD Education and Skills TodayJune 30, 2020education, PISA for Development, UN SDG 4: Education Post navigation By Michelle Harding Head of the Tax Data and Statistical Analysis...
Entrevista sobre coyuntura política, La Segunda 13.07.2202
COVID-19 and Education: The disruptive effect of the pandemic
The IDB Education Division invites you to join us for the webinar: COVID-19 and Education: The disruptive effect of the pandemic on higher education With remarks from Jose Joaquin Brunner (UDP-Chile), Juliana Londoño Velez (UCLA), Miguel Urquiola (Columbia...
Times Higher Education: Ranking Top 100 en América Latina
RANKING 2020 DE UNIVERSIDADES DE LA REGION: 100 TOP Rank Name Country/Region Overall Citations Industry Income International Outlook Research Teaching 1 Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Chile Explore 89.7 90.1 100.0 91.6 99.9 78.0 2...
Venezuela: Serie Internacional de Conferencias de Política Pública Cultural
La Maestría en Gestión y Políticas Culturales de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad), durante el año en curso 2020 conmemora su décimo aniversario (2010-2020). Por tal motivo, persiguiendo...
El mundo intelectual y la libertad de expresión
Artists and Writers Warn of an ‘Intolerant Climate.’ Reaction Is Swift. An open letter published by Harper’s, signed by luminaries including Margaret Atwood and Wynton Marsalis, argued for openness to “opposing views.” The debate began immediately. By Jennifer...
Times Higher Education: CHILE University Rankings 2020
Latin America University Rankings 2020 The Times Higher Education Latin America University Rankings lists the top universities in the Latin America and Caribbean region. It is based on the same 13 rigorous performance indicators that underpin the THE World University...
El capital en la nube
Somos humildes siervos de los señores de la nube: bienvenidos al tecnofeudalismo Un nuevo capital mutante ha matado y...
Leer en casa y ventaja escolar
Los niños que leen en casa con sus padres llevan medio curso de ventaja respecto a los que no lo hacen La diferente...
Libertad académica en disputa en EEUU
The Fight Over Academic Freedom Amid spiraling campus speech debates, many professors are rallying in defense of a...
Hong Kong: Artes liberales y AI
Liberal arts universities in a ChatGPT era – How to adapt? Yojana Sharma 13 September 2023 A small liberal arts...