CFT Estatales de Chile: una política descentralizadora y de justicia social por Ramón Rubio Donoso 3 febrero, 2023 Las comunidades que han recibido a los CFT, conocen el valor e impacto de esta descentralizadora política pública, y comunas como Alto Hospicio, Ovalle,...
Suecia: Educación superior en nuevo contexto político
What will a shift to the right mean for higher education? Jan Petter Myklebust 21 January 2023 Since the Sweden Democrats (SD) became the largest member of the country’s right-wing bloc in last year’s elections, questions have been raised about how much impact the...
Europa: Contexto político y educación superior
Universities and elections: Democratic actors or reactors? Sjur Bergan 21 January 2023 When one explores the issue of universities and elections, as University World News does in this and its previous edition, one should ask at least three questions: are universities...
Contexto político global y educación superior
Higher education can reverse its democratic recession William G Tierney 21 January 2023 One need not be a linguist to acknowledge the fluidity of language. In 1977 Lewis B Mayhew, one of academe’s preeminent scholars of higher education, penned Legacy of the...
Brasil: Contexto político y educación superior
Cautious optimism in universities greets new president Lula Marcelo Knobel and Elizabeth Balbachevsky 08 January 2023 When Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva was sworn in as Brazil’s new president on 1 January 2023, he found higher education (and many other areas) a...
Jamil Salmi: Equidad en el ingreso a la educación superior
GLOBAL Equity in access and success in HE is no longer a luxury Jamil Salmi 24 January 2023 Despite the spectacular expansion that has occurred in many parts of the planet in the past 60 years, severe disparities persist in higher education. A disproportionately...
México: implementación de nuevos planes de estudio
Educación básica: la diversidad manda Manuel Gil Antón, OPINIÓN 21/01/2023 No es lo mismo delimitar a la comunidad en un ambiente urbano que en uno rural, y tampoco en los diversos contextos de identidad Lejos de los reflectores que apuntan al tema del uso indebido...
¿Quién le tiene miedo a ChatGPT?
Why I’m Not Scared of ChatGPT The limits of the technology are where real writing begins. By Christopher Grobe! JANUARY 18, 2023 Each time I embark on a new writing project, I find that I’ve forgotten how to write. I type and delete sentence fragments. I list claims...
3 artículos BID sobre distribución de la matricula via algoritmo centralizado
Three new papers that evaluate different aspects of introducing centralized student assignment (matricula digital) reforms that incorporate parental choice using a DA algorithm. Our team at IDB supported this work in Ecuador, Peru and Pernambuco, Brazil in...
USA: Las nuevas condiciones postpandemia de la economía política universitaria
The Shrinking of Higher Ed In the past, colleges grew their way out of enrollment crises. This time looks different. By Karin Fischer, AUGUST 12, 2022 Nearly 1.3 million students have disappeared from American colleges during the Covid-19 pandemic, raising...
Interpretaciones posdieciocho
Interpretaciones posdieciocho ''Estos aniversarios solo confirman lo separados que estamos'' José Joaquín Brunner,...
Futuro de la internacionalización
NOTA TÉCNICA 03 Septiembre 2024 El futuro de la internacionalización en la Educación Superior Claudia Navarro Papic...
Retraso en anuncio del financiamiento estudiantil
La falta de apoyos y acuerdos legislativos que obligaron a Boric y Cataldo a retrasar el anuncio del CAE Roberto...
Elitismo Oxbridge: cómo podría reformarse
UK elitism cannot be fixed without Oxbridge admissions reform A merit-based admissions lottery and strict caps on how...