Young Americans need to be taught skills, not handed credentials | Financial Times 1/4 Rana Foroohar, 11/11/2018 I cannot think of a market that is more dysfunctional in America right now than education....
Educación superior en la India (2)
Update from India: The National Institutional Ranking Framework November 13th, 2018 - Alex Usher Yesterday , I discussed the need to change culture in Indian universities to make them a bit more focused on output and less focused on the employment privileges of...
Educación superior en India
View as Webpage Update from India (1) November 12th, 2018 - Alex Usher I spent the last couple of weeks in India and the Middle East. Over the next couple of days, I thought I would lay out some of my observations about higher education in these countries. First up,...
Colegios como organizaciones que aprenden: caso de Gales
How Wales is transforming its schools into learning organisations Posted: 08 Nov 2018 03:31 AM PST By Marco Kools, Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills In 2011, Wales embarked on a large-scale reform to improve the quality and equity of its education...
Rentabilidad económica en la educación superior
Opinión Rentabilidad económica en la educación superior VIE 9 NOV 2018 | 09:18 AM Ricardo Paredes, rector DUOC Esta columna fue escrita junto a Roberto Flores, Duoc UC. Un estudio reciente de la Universidad de Chile sobre rentabilidad de carreras impartidas por...
Programa educacional de Bolsonaro
EDUCAÇÃO ‘Vouchers’, ensino à distância e universidade paga, os planos na mesa de Bolsonaro Inspirado em modelo de Pinochet, governo Bolsonaro avalia plano de incentivo a escolas privadas e diminuição de investimentos em universidades Breiller Pires, São Paulo 5 NOV...
Rectores del CRUCH por separado reclaman por falta de presupuesto
Universidades públicas no estatales también se quejan por el Presupuesto 2019: “No vemos ningún apoyo” por El Mostrador 30 octubre, 2018 El rector de la Universidad Católica (PUC), Ignacio Sánchez, acusó que en el Gobierno de Bachelet “se privilegió a las...
Memorias de una Presidenta de la Universidad de Chicago
The Party of the University The institutional memory of Hanna Gray by Rita Koganzon in Criticism There is a moment in former University of Chicago President Hanna Gray’s memoir, An Academic Life (published this spring with Princeton University Press), when Gray...
Australia: Nexo entre docencia e investigación
Call for creation of teaching-focused universities in Australia Consultants argue Humboldtian ideal of research-informed teaching ‘shackles’ institutions into uniformity October 23, 2018; by John Ross Australian universities are “shackled” into uniformity by a...
EEUU: Nuevas ideas para la docencia
SPECIAL REPORTS This University’s ‘Accelerator’ Tests New Ideas for Teaching — and It’s Working By Lawrence Biemiller OCTOBER 21, 2018 The accelerator process starts with an annual event meant to generate ideas, says Bradley Cohen, senior vice provost for...
España: Formación tecnico profesional básica
Estudiantes que cambiaron el fracaso escolar por el éxito: “Pasé de no hacer nada a desear que llegase el día...
Gran Bretaña : Arquitectura de grafos y credenciales
We can’t stop the ‘rip-off degrees’ debate – but we can change its terms November 23, 2023, Ian Pace Singling out...
Universidad y territorios: nuevas formas de integración
Magna Charta urges post-industrial cities to pull together Nic Mitchell 03 November 2023 Universities should not only...
Atacama: ¿caso aislado o síntoma?
Para entradas previas ver: aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí. Atacama: ¿caso aislado o síntoma? José Joaquín Brunner,...