Is College Merely Helping Those Who Need Help Least? By Tara Westover THE YEARS THAT MATTER MOST How College Makes or Breaks Us By Paul Tough I am — to capitulate fully to the nomenclature — a “first gen,” meaning a first-generation college graduate. For me, as for...
El valor del pregrado: estudio en los EEUU
Assessing the Value of an Undergrad Degree A new study from Academically Adrift's co-author seeks to evaluate a broad range of student experiences and outcomes as well as new ways to measure learning. By Lilah Burke September 27, 2019 3 COMMENTS...
El debate sobre la meritocracia y la educación superior
Does meritocracy stall social mobility, entrench an undeserving elite, and undermine trust in higher education? Joan Wong for The Chronicle September 13, 2019 That seems to be the emerging bipartisan consensus. “On the evidence we have, the meritocratic ideal ends up...
Costo de las universidades: qué y cómo calcular
Managing Class Sizes (Part 1) September 18th, 2019 - Alex Usher One of the things that many people misunderstand about higher education is the way the economics of classrooms actually work; in particular about the relationship between enrolments, teaching complements,...
Sobre movilidad internacional de estudiantes
UNESCO-IESALC desvela que solo un 38% de la movilidad que sale de América Latina y el Caribe se queda en la Región El Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe (IESALC) acaba de publicar La movilidad en la...
Francia: ¿la reforma Macron de las grandes escuelas?
Will Macron’s move against his alma mater make France’s HE system fairer? France’s president responded to the gilets jaunesmovement with a surprise plan to abolish the grande école ENA, reigniting debate about the country’s intensely hierarchical higher education...
Canadá: Agenda de política universitaria / de investigación
Honing the University Party's Growth Agenda September 16th, 2019 - Alex Usher It’s election season, and so everyone is trotting out promises and coming up with manifestos. These manifestos are lists of specific promised policy initiatives, but they are also –...
Media Lab del MIT: Fantasía y realidad
Hype vs. Reality at the MIT Media Lab By Nell Gluckman September 11, 2019 Cambridge, Mass. It was a validating moment for Caleb Harper. Norman Foster, the renowned architect who designed Apple’s circular headquarters, had come to the Massachusetts Institute of...
¿Por qué no la gratuidad? Una reflexión desde USA
Free Public College Is a Terrible Idea By Brian Rosenberg SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 PREMIUM Now that the race for the Democratic nomination for president is becoming more serious, it is time to take an equally serious look at the proposal for tuition-free public college...
Información para la educación: ¿aumentar o disminuir?
Columnistas Domingo 15 de septiembre de 2019 Información para la educación: ¿aumentar o disminuir? "Llama la atención que las dos modificaciones legales que se discuten en el Congreso —eliminar las notas de 1° a 4° básico y limitar la difusión de los resultados del...
Ministra de educación de Colombia
Aurora Vergara: “La meta es que en el futuro las familias privilegiadas decidan formar a sus hijos en las escuelas...
Cataluña: Bajos resultados PISA
Miquel Àngel Alegre, sociólogo: “Ha faltado supervisión de los centros que más apuestan por el cambio educativo” El...
Desconfianza corrosiva
Desconfianza corrosiva "La democracia no puede existir así. Requiere un mínimo de confianza interélites". José Joaquín...
EEUU: Libertad académica amenazada
US faculty promise fight to protect academic freedom While Republicans seek momentum from fiery hearing and Penn...