
5 miradas desde y hacia Marx

  Marx's Mark Karl Marx's theory of history has not been borne out. And yet, even where Marx was wrong, his ideas still serve – 200 years after his birth – as a reference point for thinking about the politics of work, inequality, globalization, and new...

Ataques a colegios a nivel global

Attacks on Education Worsening Globally, Study Shows HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH Deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on schools and universities, their students, and staff have become more widespread over the last five years, the Global Coalition to Protect Education from...

Capital humano por Alex Usher

[divider scroll_text="SCROLL_TEXT"]  Human Capital Theory   May 9th, 2018 - Alex Usher My work exists at the junction of a few different fields – management, public administration, sociology and economics (which is kind of funny because my degree is in none of those...

OEI: cambio de mando

“Hay que poner en valor lo que se hace en Iberoamérica” El nuevo secretario general de la OEI para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura destaca el avance en estos ámbitos en los últimos 20 años, pero también los retos que afrontará durante su mandato Madrid 4 MAY...

Revista Páginas de Educación

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22235/pe.v11i1 Publicado: 2018-05-02 Número completo  Tabla de contenidos  Número completo Artículos Presentación: Es tiempo de hacer mejores preguntas Cristóbal Cobo 1-5  PDF (English) ¿Qué hay de nuevo en las noticias falsas? Alfabetizaciones...

Review of Research in Education:número reciente

Impact Factor1.727 Now Available—RRE's 2018 Volume, The Challenges and Possibilities of Intersectionality in Education Save 20% today! Subscribe to RRE and save 20% on an Individual Subscription, Combined (Print & E-access)! Enter priority code RRE18 during...