IN PANDEMUS VERITAS MAY 25, 2020 | ALEX USHER One of the most interesting things about the pandemic is the questions it raises about the price of education. Can institutions reasonably expect to charge what they normally charge, given that the quality of an...
Community colleges permanecerán en línea
Community Colleges Likeliest to Stay Virtual As most four-year colleges continue to announce intentions to reopen campuses in the fall, many community colleges have said they will remain (mostly) virtual. By Madeline St. Amour May 20, 2020 Many of the institutions...
Problemas de atención entre estudiantes expuestos na enseñanza en pantalla
Will Months of Remote Learning Worsen Students' Attention Problems? Robert Spall works from his home in Sacramento, Calif. —Courtesy of Kirsten Spall By Alex Harwin May 11, 2020 The outbreak of the coronavirus isn’t the first time Robert Spall has had to learn from...
Financiamiento de universidades españolas tras la crisis del Covid
COVID y financiación universitaria: ¿qué pasará cuando esto pase? 11/05/2020 Juan Vázquez, catedrático de Economía Aplicada, ex presidente de Crue Universidades Españolas y ex rector de la Universidad de Oviedo. Seguimos todavía peleando para conseguir que esto (la...
Simón Schwartzman: Pandemia y educación superior
Nova postagem no blog de Simon Schwartzman View this email in your browser O Impacto da pandemia na Educação Superior By Simon on May 09, 2020 08:29 am (publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 8 de maio de 2020) O fechamento das faculdades colocou o ensino superior, em...
La ciencia de la enseñanza
May 2020 | Volume 77 | Number 8 Learning and the Brain Pages 14-20 Issue Table of Contents | Read Article Abstract The Sciences of Teaching Carol Ann Tomlinson and David A. Sousa The fields of neuroscience and psychology, when paired, offer new insights on the...
Alex Usher propone repensar los créditos como medición del aprendizaje
CREDIT HOURS MAY 6, 2020 | ALEX USHER It’s hard to tell from the outside what universities are talking about these days, because there is this veil of secrecy up about what planning is happening. But I’ve heard that, at a couple of schools at least, the focus is very...
IESALC: Cómo prepararse para la reapertura
¿Cómo prepararse para la reapertura? Estas son las recomendaciones del IESALC para planificar la transición hacia la nueva normalidad en la educación superior Bajar documento aquí: covid-19-es-130520 A las instituciones de educación superior sugiere aplicar un modelo...
Covid-19 y presupuestos de educación
How Much Will COVID Cut Education Budgets? MAY 8, 2020 David Evans, Susannah Hares, Justin Sandefur and Liesbet Steer Follow COVID-19 has had an immediate impact on education. With schools closed in virtually all of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, children—especially...
Financiamiento de universidades en tiempos de Covid-19
COMPARATIVE BAILOUTS MAY 5, 2020 | ALEX USHER Following yesterday’s discussion re: how we might want to ask for money, I thought it would be useful to look at how other national governments are responding to post-secondary pleas for help. For obvious reasons, the...
Issue 2 of Prospects: Renewing the Social Contract for Education!
Our long-awaited special issue is now here: Vol 54, Issue 2 of Prospects: Renewing the Social Contract for Education!...
La recomposición de las élites políticas en perspectiva
La recomposición de las élites políticas en perspectiva por José Joaquín Brunner, 31 julio, 2024 Hemos vivido...
Sandel sobre K. Harris
How Kamala Harris Can Win July 27, 2024 Credit...Tom Brenner/Reuters By Michael J. Sandel. Mr. Sandel teaches...
Universidades frente al nuevo gobierno laborista: ¿no habrá rescate?
English universities should not expect government bailout, Phillipson says Education secretary acknowledged crisis in...