Evaluación y notas en tiempos de Covid-19: Caso de EEUU
How Has Grading Changed Since Coronavirus Forced Classes Online? Often, It Depends on the Professor By Emma Dill APRIL 13, 2020 As Jenny Davidson tracked the news early last month about the coronavirus, it began to seem inevitable: Her university would move...
Alex Usher: Pensando la reapertura académica (desde canadá)
View as Webpage Coronavirus (14)- The Re-opening Conundrum April 13th, 2020 - Alex Usher Most people want to know how the heck we get out of this mess. Not dates, necessarily, but the process. We have to see big declines in the number of new cases before we can start...
Entrevista: Covid-19 y los próximos pasos
Entrevista / conversación con Magdalena Olea, Max Colodro y JJ Brunner, Radio Agricultura Escuchar en mp.3 aquí
Unesco entrevista ministro de educación de Chile
¿Cómo enfrenta Chile la emergencia educativa ante el COVID-19? La UNESCO entrevista a Raúl Figueroa, ministro de Educación Entrevista puede escucharse aquí English version En un momento en el que más de 1.500 millones de estudiantes se encuentran...
Alex Usher: coronavirus y docencia en línea
View as Webpage Coronavirus (9)-September & Big Classes Marchm31st, 2020 - Alex Usher (Yes, I know, I said I would try to stay off Coronavirus topics. But it’s bloody hard to talk about anything else, isn’t it?) One of the least attractive features of the modern...
Covid-19 en el espacio de la educación superior de EEUU
Frozen Searches Scores of institutions announce faculty hiring freezes in response to the coronavirus. By Colleen Flaherty April 1, 2020 Higher education is COVID-19-positive. And in the parlance of triage, the patient needs emergent care. At many institutions, that...
OECD: Respuesta de docentes ante la pandemia
How can teachers and school systems respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? Some lessons from TALIS Banner image: Shutterstock Andreas Schleicher Mar 23, 2020 6 0 Like 7 Comment Share This article is part of series in which OECD experts and thought leaders – from...
Revista Alteridad
Sección Monográfica (Monografic Section) "Las posibilidades educativas de la realidad aumentada virtual y mixta" "The educational possibilities of virtual and mixed augmented reality" Realidad aumentada en la enseñanza de hormigón reforzado: percepción de los alumnos...
Coronavirus y enseñanza superior en línea
The Coronavirus Has Pushed Courses Online. Professors Are Trying Hard to Keep Up. By Beth McMurtrie MARCH 20, 2020 PREMIUM Rebecca Barrett-Fox saw panic spreading across academe as colleges were shifting abruptly to remote teaching to stem the spread of the...
Informe 2024 de Educación Superior en Iberoamérica
Lanzamiento libro Informe 2024 de Educación Superior en Iberoamérica 23 abril, 2024 16:00 (UTC+2) Organizan: Centro...
Educación privada en la India: Entrevista Usher / Varghese
Private Higher Education in India April 11, 2024 | Alex Usher When we talk about private higher education, our minds...
Nudos críticos y perspectivas de futuro de la educación superior chilena
I N V I T A Conferencia Inaugural 2024 "Nudos críticos y perspectivas de futuro de la educación superior chilena" Como...
Revista Teoría de la Educación
Vol. 36 Núm. 2 (2024) Investigación y transferencia del conocimiento en Ciencias de la Educación: Una cuestión de...