
Educación y neurociencias

Applying Insights From Neuroscience in the Classroom A deeper understanding of how the brain works can help teachers plan lessons that reach every student. By Megan Collins June 18, 2021 Understanding, even minimally, how the brain works when it comes to learning can...

Financiamiento de colleges en EEUU

For College Finances, There’s No ‘Return to Normal’ - The critical problems facing higher education won’t end with the pandemic. By Mark S. LeClair, professor of economics at Fairfield University. JUNE 15, 2021 Higher ed is in trouble. It faces a demographic crunch in...

Universidades canadienses y los pueblos nativos

View as Webpage Truth and Reconciliation Updates June 14th, 2021 - Alex Usher After writing about Ryerson the other day it occurred to me that I should take a look at what institutions have been committing to do with respect to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to...

Sobre sistema educacional y nueva Constitución

Facultades de Educación y Filosofía y Humanidades realizaron charla sobre Sistema Educacional y nueva Constitución El encuentro contó con la participación de Juan Eduardo García Huidobro, profesor emérito de la UAH y candidato al Premio Nacional en Educación, Carolina...