Google and edX Create a MOOC Site for the Rest of Us By Steve Kolowich, The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 10, 2013, 3:28 pm...
Revista de Educación, España
Revista de Educación acaba de publicar su último número en A continuación le mostramos la tabla de contenidos, después puede visitar nuestro sitio web para consultar los artículos que sean de su interés. Aprovechamos para...
Quién tiene el control sobre el control de calidad
Has Higher Education Lost Control Over Quality? May 23, 2013, 12:25 pm By Ellen Hazelkorn Educational quality is now a hot topic in higher education globally. In recent months, I have been involved in institutional assessments and government meetings on the topic in...
Innovación en las políticas y los programas universitarios
Presidents and Professors Largely Agree on Who Should Lead Innovation By Jeffrey Selingo, September 30, 2013 When San Jose State University's president announced the expansion of a pilot program to use recorded lectures from two large MOOC...
Propuesta Obama vista por The Economist
Higher education Universities challenged Barack Obama wants degrees to be better value for money The Economist, Aug 31st 2013 | CHICAGO |From the print...
Universidades en china: un enfoque organizacional
Berger, J. B., Hudson, K.E., Blanco Ramírez, G. (2013) How universities work: Understanding higher education organization in northwest China. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21(64). Retrieved [date], from Bajar el artículo...
Tendencias tecnológicas y el futuro de la educación superior
12 tech trends higher education cannot afford to ignore Education Dive, July 31, 2013 By Davide Savenije Higher education faces an onslaught of disruptive forces right now—and no one should be suprised to hear that news. Burgeoning technologies such as MOOCs...
EEUU: Severo juicio sobre formación de profesores
June 18, 2013 'An Industry of Mediocrity': Study Criticizes Teacher-Education Programs By Dan Berrett, The Chronicle of Higher Education Colleges of education are "an industry of mediocrity" that churns out unprepared teachers to work in the nation's elementary and...
Falacias universitarias, Carlos Peña
Tribuna, El Mecurio, 19 de junio de 2013 Miércoles 19 de junio de 2013 Falacias universitarias Carlos Peña: "...en la universidad deben imperar siempre las mejores razones, y no las que se pronuncian con más fuerza o las que tienen más dinero detrás de ellas...". Uno...
Preparación (mala) de los profesores – en EEUU
Study: Teacher Prep Programs Get Failing Marks by June 18, 2013 2:56 AM The U.S. spends more than $7 billion a year preparing classroom teachers, but teachers are not coming out of the nation's colleges of education ready, according to a by U.S.News & World...
Brasil: Agendas de la transición, por S Schwartzman
As três agendas da transição By Simon on Dec 09, 2022 06:50 am (Publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 9 de dezembro de...
OCDE: Recuperación educacional
Unleashing the power of education Education has suffered during the pandemic, and emerges facing a number of...
Problemas cruciales de la educación hacer 30 años
A propósito de la nota publicada en El Mercurio el día 8 de diciembre de 2022 en su sección "Hace 30 años", copio aquí...
Valores desacompasados
Valores desacompasados "Hay una conflictiva doble dinámica entre los propios valores de la juventud". José Joaquín...