
Uso del iPad en la docencia universitaria

One Campus’s iPad Revolution Results in Education Evolution Mark Lombardi, president, Maryville U. By Lee Gardner February 03, 2017 Mark Lombardi, president of Maryville University, in Missouri, describes some of the interesting changes it has recently made in the...

Pensamiento crítico

What Is Critical Thinking, Anyway? Rob Jenkins, February 2, 2017   The longer I teach (I’m now in my 32nd year) the more I’m convinced that the best thing we can do for our students is help them learn to think for themselves. That involves explaining what...

Brecha de destrezas (skills gap)

The Idea That Launched a Thousand Strategic Plans By Dan Berrett JANUARY 22, 2017 PREMIUM A single idea has come to shape colleges’ plans for the future and assumptions about their role and purpose. It’s called the skills gap. Simply put, the skills gap is when...

La endogamia universitaria En España

La endogamia universitaria Se está estructurando un sistema claramente clientelar de reclutamiento del profesorado JOSÉ LUIS DÍEZ RIPOLLÉS, catedrático de derecho penal. 18 ENE 2017 - 19:48 CET Si la endogamia universitaria merece ser calificada de corrupción,...