educationtoday blog How teachers can use data and research to improve education Posted: 25 Apr 2019 06:22 AM PDT By Florian Koester Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Photo credit: airunique/Pixabay To improve learning in the classroom, we expect...
Alex Usher: Financiamiento basado en el desempeño (cuatro partes)
Performance Based Funding 101: The Indicators April 23rd, 2019 - Alex Usher Ok guys, I’m going to take the rest of the week to nerd out about performance-based funding (PBF) indicators, since clearly this is all anyone here in Ontario is going to be talking about...
España: La universidad, el último caramelo para la especulación
La universidad, el último caramelo para la especulación Los fondos de capital riesgo se lanzan a invertir en el sector de educación, donde se cuestiona que puedan mantener la calidad CARMEN SÁNCHEZ-SILVA, Madrid 7 ABR 2019 - 10:00 CEST El sector de la educación bulle....
Portugal: avances en educación (dossier)
TIAGO BRANDÃO RODRIGUES | MINISTRO DE EDUCACIÓN PORTUGUÉS “No hay que ser impositivos: cuando confías en las escuelas, responden” Portugal se ha convertido en un referente mundial en mejora educativa y pedagogías innovadoras. Es la nueva Finlandia ELISA SILIÓ Dubái...
Sistemas escolares de peor rendimiento en Americans Latina
What Do We Know About Latin America’s Lowest-Performing Education Systems? Apr 18, 2019 PREAL Blog Data from the recent PISA for Development (PISA-D) survey offers a new window into academic performance and learning environments in lower-income countries in Latin...
La base de conocimiento de la educación es pobre, dice la OCDE
blog Why knowledge is the most important resource for education systems today Posted: 15 Apr 2019 05:57 AM PDT Dirk Van Damme Senior Counsellor, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Photo credit: Jesse Orrico/Unsplash Education systems in developed countries...
OECD: Educación media técnico profesional (EMTP)
Why vocational education matters more than you might think Posted: 05 Apr 2019 05:42 AM PDT By Giovanni Maria Semeraro Statistician, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Photo credit: Helloquence/Unsplash Vocational education has not always had the best...
How can artificial intelligence enhance and transform education?
educationtoday blog How can artificial intelligence enhance and transform education? Posted: 03 Apr 2019 02:46 AM PDT By Charles Fadel Founder and Chairman, Center for Curriculum Redesign Chair of the BIAC/OECD Education Committee As arguably the driving technological...
Nuevo número de International Higher Education (IHE)
Dear IHE subscriber, We are pleased to send you our Spring 2019 issue of International Higher Education (IHE). We feature several foci, including a series of articles on China and on internationalization. We are happy to publish contributions of three of our Fall 2018...
A. Schleicher sobre reformas curriculares
Should schools teach coding? - March 22, 2019 By Andreas Schleicher Director, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Photo credit: StartupStockPhotos/Pixabay As technology continues to transform the skills that today’s students need to shape their future, many...
PAES y las brechas: Intervenciones en debate
Lo que muestra la PAES 2023 de la educación chilena, según tres expertos Solo dos establecimientos municipales se...
CAE y las definiciones de educación superior
CAE y las definiciones de educación superior ulio Labraña, Director de Calidad Institucional Universidad de Tarapacá....
Educación moderna en la pos modernidad
El Mercurio, 7 de enero de 2024
Debate sobre colegios emblemáticos: visión de directores de establecimientos
Las disímiles posturas de directores de colegios por la divulgación de los puntajes de la PAES Joaquín Barrientos, 05...