
Revista Perfiles Educativos, México

PERFILES EDUCATIVOS Núm. 161, vol. XL julio-septiembre, 2018 TABLA DE CONTENIDOS EDITORIAL Alejandro Canales Sánchez Texto completo Descargas: 2PDF CLAVES La persistencia de la desigualdad social en el nivel medio superior de educación en México. Un estudio a nivel...

Mitos educacionales

educationtoday blog Five myths about education, debunked Posted: 29 May 2018 05:43 AM PDT By Andreas Schleicher Director, Directorate for Education and Skills It’s so much easier to educate students for our past than for their future. Schools are inherently...

Perspectiva global de mayo 1998

Spirit of 1968: global perspectives on the student revolution While the Sorbonne was at the epicentre of the 1968 protests, the shock waves were felt far beyond France, with students occupying Peking and UC Berkeley at the same time. A group of academics revisit the...

Japón: evolución de la educación superior (III)

Better Know a Higher Ed System: Japan (Part 3)   May 24th, 2018 - Alex Usher Japan is one of the world’s most hierarchical societies. You could have a pretty good argument about whether or not this is an artefact of the Tokugawa bakufu  of the 17 th century or if it...

Japón: evolución de su educación superior

Better Know a Higher Ed System: Japan (Part 1)   May 22nd, 2018 - Alex Usher I haven’t done one of these in awhile and since I’m vacationing here, so it seems like it’s time. Japan is a fascinating country for any number of reasons, but one of them is that it has...