
Revista PEL – nuevo número

Estimado Profesor/Investigador:   Informamos a usted que Pensamiento Educativo. Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericano (PEL), ha publicado el nuevo número de octubre en formato electrónico open access.   Este número incluye una sección especial con...

Extenso reportaje sobre Laureate a nivel global

 Going Global Elizabeth Redden and Paul Fein, Inside Higher ED, October 10, 2013   Laureate Education is big. Like 800,000 students attending 78 institutions in 30 countries big. Yet the privately held for-profit university system has largely remained out of the...

Presidente FEUC vs Programa Bachelet

Presidente FEUC: “Anuncios de Bachelet siguen siendo buenos titulares sin contenido concreto”   7 de octubre de 2013 - 18:53 | Por: El Dínamo   Diego Vela también cuestionó el presupuesto: “Vemos cómo el gobierno hasta su último día intenta meter goles al...

Corrupción en la educación superior

The Chronicle of Higher Education October 1, 2013 Corruption in Higher Education Appears to Be on the Rise Globally, Report Says By Aisha Labi Corruption in higher education is nothing new, probably existing since the first college opened its doors. But as more people...

Futuras trayectorias de estudios superiores

  The New, Nonlinear Path Through College   Weezie Yancey-Siegel left Pitzer College two years ago to fashion her own higher education. Now 21, she has started a blog about alternatives to college and has landed a job at a new-media start-up through...