
Enseñanzas de la pandemia

Columnistas Enseñanzas de la pandemia "La crisis sanitaria evidencia que la escuela y la escolarización presencial son insustituibles, sensibiliza frente a experiencias educativas informales y confirma que la educación está condicionada por la distribución desigual de...

Educación en tiempos traumáticos

Thursday, July 16, 2020 Newsletter Teaching in Troubled Times: A Q&A With a Trauma Expert   SHARE THIS EMAIL: We live in traumatic times. The COVID-19 pandemic has killed over 135,000 thousand in the U.S., and has sickened many more. The economic downtown has...

Colegios en tiempos de cuarentena

Learn today, earn tomorrow School closures in poor countries could be devastating And governments are bungling their response InternationalJul 18th 2020 edition Jul 18th 2020 JOHANNESBURG, PARIS AND SÃO PAULO Editor’s note: Some of our covid-19 coverage is free for...

OECD: Impuestos y mejor educación

Creating a virtuous circle between better education and a more sustainable tax system OECD Education and Skills TodayJune 30, 2020education, PISA for Development, UN SDG 4: Education Post navigation By Michelle Harding Head of the Tax Data and Statistical Analysis...