Chinese Higher Education in Four Graphs Every once in awhile you have to just sit and marvel at what the Chinese government has managed to pull off in higher education. Since the turn of the millennium, enrolments have increased five-fold. That’s staggering enough,...
Revista International Higher Education: nuevo número
International Higher Education is also published in these languages: Russian edition Chinese edition Spanish edition Portuguese edition Vietnamese edition French edition OPEN JO Browse By Issue By Author By Title Other Journals Home > No 93 International Higher...
Universidades de investigación en China
China's Rising Research Universities By Elizabeth Redden, Inside Higher ED , August 27, 2014 An influx of governmental funding has helped fuel major increases in research capacity and scholarly productivity as well as impressive internationalization at Chinese...
International Higher Education, Spring Issue #75
We are pleased to send you the spring issue of International Higher Education. This issue features several articles about the role of English in Chinese higher education and on aspects of international student mobility as well as a range of key international...
Universidades en china: un enfoque organizacional
Berger, J. B., Hudson, K.E., Blanco Ramírez, G. (2013) How universities work: Understanding higher education organization in northwest China. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21(64). Retrieved [date], from Bajar el artículo...
Comentario de A. Usher sobre desempleo de graduados
The Demand for PSE: Never as Simple as You Think Posted on February 11, 2013 by Alex Usher The New York Times website had a great little graphic the other day about youth unemployment rates in urban China. It looked like this: Unemployment in Urban China, 20-24...
Comunidad de Madrid: “Los dispositivos distraen”…
La prohibición de las pantallas avanza en los colegios, se acabó el optimismo tecnológico en educación: “Los...
España: Motivos de un mal PISA
El declive del rendimiento de los estudiantes en España: qué frena su mejora según el creador de PISA y otros expertos...
Ciencias sociales y la pobreza en Medio Oriente y África del Norte
La investigación en ciencias sociales es un arma contra la pobreza – Estudio Wagdy Sawahel , 12 de marzo de 2025 La...
Academia Chilena de Ciencias
Academia Chilena de Ciencias invita a ciclo de charlas sobre educación y ciencia 17-03-25 Carla Morales 0 comment . El...