THE CHRONICLE REVIEW On a Knife’s Edge By Maximillian Alvarez JULY 21, 2020 As the Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis continue to converge, the future of higher education is shrouded in fear and uncertainty. While trying to manage anxieties about the potentially...
Retorno “Paso a Paso” en educación superior
Retorno “Paso a Paso” en educación superior 23 JUL 2020 08:45 AM Por José Julio León, vicerrector de Desarrollo y Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Universidad Santo Tomás; y Fernanda Valdés, directora de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Universidad de los Andes /...
Desafíos educacionales frente al Covid 19
SCHOOL LEADERSHIP 9 Big Questions Education Leaders Should Ask to Address Covid-19 Figuring out to how to deal with the summer slide and traumas resulting from the pandemic are just two of the biggest concerns. By Andrew Knips June 29, 2020 CNN recently reported that...
Webinar: Educación permanente y reconversión laboral: desafíos de empleabilidad para el sector de la ESTP
Andreas Schleicher (OECD): Futuro del financiamiento de la educación superior
OECD education head: pandemic disruption should mean lower fees With the key selling point of university – meeting people and having a ‘great experience’ – now gone, Andreas Schleicher sees high fees as unjustified and calls for more government investment June 22,...
OECD: El riesgo de un aumento de las desigualdades educacionales en América Latina
Is COVID-19 widening educational gaps in Latin America? Three lessons for urgent policy action 4 June 2020 Development Matters Covid-19, Education, Human Development, Latin America/Caribbean, policyCoronavirus, Covid-19, Digital, digital divide, digital...
Desafíos para la educación superior chilena en el contexto de la pandemia
Columna, junio 2020 Desafíos para la educación superior chilena en el contexto de la pandemia Julio Labraña Vargas, Investigador Asociado del Centro de Políticas Comparadas en Educación Superior, Universidad Diego Portales. Leopoldo Ramírez Alarcón, Director Ejecutivo...
IN PANDEMUS VERITAS MAY 25, 2020 | ALEX USHER One of the most interesting things about the pandemic is the questions it raises about the price of education. Can institutions reasonably expect to charge what they normally charge, given that the quality of an...
La cuestión de los aranceles en la actual coyuntura
View as Webpage In Pandemus Veritas May 25th, 2020 - Alex Usher One of the most interesting things about the pandemic is the questions it raises about the price of education. Can institutions reasonably expect to charge what they normally charge, given that the...
Once tesis urgentes para una pedagogía de contra-aislamiento
Once tesis urgentes para una pedagogía de contra-aislamiento 6 de mayo de 2020 [Título original: 11 tesis urgentes para una pedsagogia del contra isolamento . Enviado especialmente a Pensar a Educação, Pensar o Brasil - 1822/2022 por Mariano Narodowski. Traducción al...
Hans de Wit: Undoing internationalisation is a problem, not a solution
Undoing internationalisation is a problem, not a solution Hans de Wit 04 December 2024 Looking at the current debate...
Nota de G. Elacqua sobre reciente trabajo inequidad racial en educación de Brasil
New report: The Vicious Cycle of Racial Inequality in Brazilian Education I wanted to share key findings from our new...
Con Alex Usher sobre ESTP en China
The World of Higher Education DECEMBER 5, 2024 | ALEX USHER EPISODE 3.13 Skilled for the Future: How China is...
Conductas e ideas políticas
Conductas e ideas políticas "A derecha e izquierda reina el desconcierto de ideas y una dispersión de las conductas...