
Media Lab del MIT: Fantasía y realidad

Hype vs. Reality at the MIT Media Lab By Nell Gluckman September 11, 2019 Cambridge, Mass. It was a validating moment for Caleb Harper. Norman Foster, the renowned architect who designed Apple’s circular headquarters, had come to the Massachusetts Institute of...

OCDE Panorama de la Educación 2019

By Marie-Hélène Doumet Senior Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Education at a Glance report provides a comprehensive overview of education systems in OECD member and partner countries, including detailed indicators across all levels of education –...

Niños y jovenes fuera del colegio en el mundo

UIS Releases New Education Data and SDG 4 Indicators for 2018 School Year 13/09/2019 Focus on out-of-school children New data on the world’s out-of-school children reveal little or no progress for more than a decade, with about 258 million children, adolescents and...

México: educación temprana

NUEVO INFORME México: Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia  Sep 04 |  Mexicanos Primero y Diálogo Interamericano A continuación, se presenta el Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia de México, elaborado por Mexicanos Primero y...

Humanidades y STEM

Long Reads Mind Over STEM Aug 30, 2019 NICHOLAS AGAR With universities around the world cutting liberal-arts programs and even eliminating entire majors such as history, there is every reason to worry about the fate of the humanities. In an era of deepening...

Evaluación de aprendizajes en educación superior

Destacadas  El IESALC presenta las conclusiones de su informe sobre tendencias internacionales en la evaluación de los aprendizajes en educación superior 16 agosto, 2019 calidad, Educación Superior, Francesc Pedró, UNESCO Los días 15 y 16 de agosto de 2019 se llevó a...

Enseñando a la Generación Z

Teaching Generation Z: a biting blizzard or a breath of fresh air The current generation of students often come under fire for supposedly being excessively brittle and demanding. But does the reality bear that out, and what are the teaching techniques to which they...