University of California Board Votes Down SAT and ACT In five years, there will be a new test or UC will abandon use of standardized tests in admissions. By Scott Jaschik May 22, 2020 The University of California Board of Regents voted 23 to 0 to approve President...
Planificación universitaria frente a la crisis
‘Classic risk management tools’ helped protect the University of Tasmania, says its former management consultant boss May 19, 2020 By John Ross Consultancy contracts have been among the first expenses jettisoned as Australian universities face massive revenue...
La crisis del Covid-16 y el futuro de las universidades estatales en USA y Europa
US publics face survival battle and reconnection with local mission State institutions that survive crisis will face student influx and must prioritise ‘communities they were designed to serve’, experts say May 21, 2020 By Simon Baker Public universities in the US...
Exámenes de admisión: Universidad de California
Dropping the SAT and ACT -- for Good University of California plan could change the role of standardized testing in admissions -- and not just for the UC system. By Scott Jaschik May 18, 2020 University of California president Janet Napolitano last week proposed a...
Covid-19 y ciclos largos de la economía
30 April 2020 by Vincent Carpentier COVID-19, long economic cycles and the prospects of a new world This blog originally ran on the UCL Blog Series #013: Education in the Time of COVID-19. The eruption of COVID-19 has (re)generated discussions about the possible...
La búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas emergentes, Francisco Michavila
La búsqueda de soluciones a los problemas emergentes 20/05/2020 Francisco Michavila, profesor emérito de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y rector honorario de la Universitat Jaume I. Los tres últimos meses se han caracterizado por abundantes declaraciones...
Bibloitecas de cerca y de lejos
When You Can’t Send Students to the Campus Library By Jennifer Burek Pierce MAY 14, 2020 Among the many things that faculty members worried about in our Covid-19 switch to remote teaching was how to provide course materials when students could no longer walk into a...
Gobernanza de la educación superior: el papel de las ideas en las políticas
Gobernanza de la educación superior: el papel de las ideas en las políticas José Joaquín BrunnerUniversidad Diego Portales (UDP), Chile// Julio LabrañaUniversidad Diego Portales (UDP), Chile// Francisco...
Financiamiento de universidades españolas tras la crisis del Covid
COVID y financiación universitaria: ¿qué pasará cuando esto pase? 11/05/2020 Juan Vázquez, catedrático de Economía Aplicada, ex presidente de Crue Universidades Españolas y ex rector de la Universidad de Oviedo. Seguimos todavía peleando para conseguir que esto (la...
¿Cuánto gastan los países desarrollados en Investigación dentro de las Universidades?
These countries spend the most on university research With the collaboration ofStatista 05 Nov 2019 Niall McCarthyData Journalist, Statista The World Economic Forum COVID Action Platform Explore the latest strategic trends, research and analysis The United States is...
Noruega: Auge de la filosofía, las humanidades y la interdiscipliba
Five ERC grants: Philosophy is the new star at Oslo University Jan Petter Myklebust 19 January 2024 The discipline of...
La IA y el futuro de las universidades
Generative AI action hints at core future roles in universities Karen MacGregor 28 January 2024 With the arrival of...
China: incentivos monetarios a los investigadores PoP
Young researcher salaries top those in US, UK, Australia Yojana Sharma 18 March 2021 Post-doctoral researchers at top...
Reformas educacionales y su implementación
Las reformas educacionales y su implementación José Joaquín Brunner, 28 de enero de 2021 Lo que importa son los...