Are the odds still stacked against the UK’s ‘challenger institutions’? A decade of English university policy has sought to improve standards by increasing competition. However, new institutions remain small and peripheral. Tom Williams asks whether the prestige gap...
Aspectos éticos de la IA en la educación superior
Keeping human values at the heart of AI in higher education Jenny Dixon 14 August 2023 As a tidal wave of new technologies overtakes every area of higher education – from teaching and learning to assessment and course development – how do educators ensure that human...
Impacto de la IA en la experiencia estudiantil
How will AI alter the student experience? Experts weigh in Jenae Cohn 10 August 2023 Artificial intelligence and its implications for higher education are a hot topic right now. While global experts in higher education research and scholarship all agree that we need...
China: Uso de la IA en tareas académicas
Draft law sets out penalties for AI-aided academic writing Mimi Leung 01 September 2023 Students and academics who use artificial intelligence tools to ‘ghostwrite’ essays or dissertations risk having their degrees revoked according to a new draft Degree Law to...
Ciencia e investigación en Argentina: Cambiar es rediseñar
Cambiar para cambiar. Parte 4. Cambiar es rediseñar Mario Albornoz, 3 de septiembre de 2023. Ver Parte 3, Parte 2, Parte 1. El problema de la política científica y tecnológica en Argentina se ha instalado en el debate público de la peor manera posible. No solamente...
Investigación sobre educación superior
HE research: we must seek out, and listen to, new voices Rebecca Schendel 02 September 2023 Twenty years ago, the sociologist Barry Schwartz coined the phrase the ‘paradox of choice’ to describe a feeling of paralysis when faced with a dizzying array of consumer...
Webinarios sobre la Universidad del Futuro – Unach 2023
La Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (Unach), a través de la Coordinación General de Relaciones Interinstitucionales le hace una cordial invitación a asistir a la tercera edición del evento académico virtual denominado “Webinarios sobre la Universidad del Futuro – Unach...
El Internet que nos en-red-a
Clicks of Desire How the Internet obeys you Tara Isabella Burton, The New Atlantis, Summer 2023 Reality is different these days. It isn’t just that we have the tools to experience reality differently, or augment reality, by affixing a Meta Quest headset or an Apple...
Sobre la educación del talento académico en Chile
Destacados profesionales comparten su visión sobre la educación del talento académico en Chile Escrito por Prensa ALTA UACh 23/08/2023 Docentes de ALTA UACh entregan su mirada sobre el talento, las necesidades educativas especiales y el enriquecimiento académico....
Podcast: ¿La resurrección del ensayo?
VOLVER Pódcast · Politico · 5 Temporadas · 2023 Alfredo Joignant y José Joaquín Brunner: "¿La resurrección del ensayo?" Hay Algo Allá Afuera Escuchar Sobre este episodio En un nuevo capítulo de "Hay Algo allá Afuera", Alfredo Joignant conversó con José Joaquín...
Qué traerá consigo el segundo gobierno Trump
The second Trump term: Higher education braces for impact Nathan M Greenfield 08 November 2024 ‘Professors are the...
Conversaciones en torno al fogón
Ao pé da lareira By Simon Schwartzman on Nov 08, 2024 04:17 pm (Publicado em O Estado de São Paulo, 8 de novembro,...
Asia: Empleabilidad de graduados
Are universities to blame for rising youth unemployment in Asia? The rise of Asian higher education has coincided with...
Cómo hacer quen las cosas esté cada día un poco peor
One Thought to Start Your Day NOVEMBER 4, 2024 | ALEX USHER Enshittification as Strategy Many of you seem amused by my...