What will a shift to the right mean for higher education? Jan Petter Myklebust 21 January 2023 Since the Sweden Democrats (SD) became the largest member of the country’s right-wing bloc in last year’s elections, questions have been raised about how much impact the...
Formación de sujetos competentes
Formación de sujetos competentes José Joaquín Brunner, 5 de febrero de 2023 Desde antiguo, la educación postula la existencia de un ideal humano que se desea alcanzar. Así tituló Werner Jaeger (1939) su clásico estudio: Paideia, la formación del hombre griego. Empleo...
Reino Unido: Contexto político y educación superior post-Brexit
Post-Brexit educational mobilities – What’s next? Rachel Brooks and Johanna Waters 21 January 2023 Following its departure from the European Union in 2020, the United Kingdom left the Erasmus+ programme, which funded international mobility for higher education...
EEUU: Contexto político de la educación superior
Blue versus red states: Higher education policy-making in the US John Aubrey Douglass 21 January 2023 The midterm elections in the United States brought a sort of victory for President Joe Biden and the Democrats, including the retention of a slim majority in the...
Venezuela: Contexto político y universidades
Universities punished for defending democratic values Juan Carlos Navarro 21 January 2023 Venezuela has been in the headlines for quite some time, given a succession of several rather extreme events. Within a few years, more than six million migrants – out of a...
Europa: Contexto político y educación superior
Universities and elections: Democratic actors or reactors? Sjur Bergan 21 January 2023 When one explores the issue of universities and elections, as University World News does in this and its previous edition, one should ask at least three questions: are universities...
La querella de las listas
OPINIÓN José Joaquín Brunner: La querella de las listas Insistir en una sola lista, como hacen el FA y el PC, significa prolongar la ficción de que continúa vigente la posibilidad de un proyecto de izquierda radical. Es decir, maximalista, refundacional, de ‘quiebre...
Contexto político global y educación superior
Higher education can reverse its democratic recession William G Tierney 21 January 2023 One need not be a linguist to acknowledge the fluidity of language. In 1977 Lewis B Mayhew, one of academe’s preeminent scholars of higher education, penned Legacy of the...
Brasil: Contexto político y educación superior
Cautious optimism in universities greets new president Lula Marcelo Knobel and Elizabeth Balbachevsky 08 January 2023 When Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva was sworn in as Brazil’s new president on 1 January 2023, he found higher education (and many other areas) a...
Jamil Salmi: Equidad en el ingreso a la educación superior
GLOBAL Equity in access and success in HE is no longer a luxury Jamil Salmi 24 January 2023 Despite the spectacular expansion that has occurred in many parts of the planet in the past 60 years, severe disparities persist in higher education. A disproportionately...
La tarea más difícil de la educación
La tarea más difícil de la educación José Joaquín Brunner, 18 de febrero de 2024 ''El mayor desafío actual es educar...
España: personal universitario precario
La precariedad se desboca en la universidad: apenas la mitad de la plantilla tiene contrato permanente Solo un tercio...
Hong Kong y Países Bajos, líderes en investigación académica
World University Rankings 2024: a broader look at research quality Hong Kong and the Netherlands lead new...
Dirección de colegios y logro escolar
¿Influye la dirección de los centros en la mejora de los logros escolares? La igualdad de oportunidades de acceso se...