
España: progreso educativo

España acorta su histórica brecha educativa: “Sin estudios solo hay trabajo en hostelería, y es precario” El porcentaje de jóvenes que completan la secundaria postobligatoria aumenta en 19 puntos, y el abandono escolar temprano cae 18 desde 2008, aproximando a España...

Richard Sennett a los ‘80

Richard Sennett: ‘I’ve always felt like a fish out of water in academia’ The feted urban sociologist Richard Sennett tells Matthew Reisz about how his former career as a cellist inspired his latest trilogy of books, why his ideal university would be more night school...

Un ejercicio con IA y sus limites

An AI-informed discussion of research methods in digital learning Tony Bates, January 12, 2024 Each year I do a webinar with Ph.D students in the Doctor of Education in Distance Education at Athabasca University. Because I am now retired I haven’t been keeping up with...