How primary and secondary teachers differ and why it matters - February 01, 2018 by Marie-Helene Doumet, Senior Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills Learning needs vary as we evolve through life. The early years of education set the stage for children’s...
¿Muerte de las humanidades?
THE CHRONICLE REVIEW There Is No Case for the Humanities And deep down we know our justifications for it are hollow By Justin Stover MARCH 04, 2018 This essay originally appeared in American Affairs. The humanities are not just dying — they are almost dead. In...
Escuelas de Negocios, ¿deben estar en las universidades?
THE CHRONICLE REVIEW Business Schools Have No Business in the University By Steven Conn FEBRUARY 20, 2018 PREMIUM When my history department colleagues and I gather for our monthly faculty meeting, we assemble in a slightly cramped seminar room and deposit ourselves...
Carta de ex rector UCH: Legado para universidades estatales
SEÑOR DIRECTOR Establecer un “nuevo trato” entre el Estado y sus universidades era parte del programa del actual gobierno de la Presidenta Bachelet, algo que la Universidad de Chile venía reclamando desde el retorno a la democracia para reparar el daño institucional,...
The Misguided Drive to Measure ‘Learning Outcomes’ Molly Worthen FEB. 23, 2018 I teach at a big state university, and I often receive emails from software companies offering to help me do a basic part of my job: figuring out what my students have learned. If you...
El efecto a Bill Gates en la educación superior
The Gates Effect The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has spent $472-million (so far) on higher education. Why many in academe are not writing thank-you notes. Terry Crosgrove, who works in an Ohio plant that makes Slim Jims, is studying for an associate degree...
Trump propone armar a los colegios
Trump Suggests Teachers Get a ‘Bit of a Bonus’ to Carry Guns By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, FEB. 22, 2018, NEW YOTK TIMES To deter school shootings, President Trump supported the idea of giving teachers bonuses if they agree to carry guns in the classroom. By THE...
Elección de estudios en EEUU
The 7 Things Students Think About When Choosing a College By Julian Wyllie FEBRUARY 13, 2018 seb_ra/iStock What happens when a high-school student from a low-income family wants to attend a private college 100 miles away, but has a parent whispering in her ear to look...
Mérito, selección y accesibilidad académica
A Call for Elite Schools to Redefine ‘Merit’ Copyright ©2018 Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, a CMA publication. February 19, 2018 | : by Manuel S. Gonzalez Canche I simply refuse to believe that talent is clustered within those who have the most. I am convinced...
Usher: Seguimiento de la gratuidad en varios países
Roll On, Free Tuition February 6th, 2018 - Alex Usher I've written a few times over the years about the spread of Targeted Free Tuition (TFT) programs. Starting in Chile and Ontario in 2016 (after a false start in the UK in the late 1990s), they have started to...
Altbach y De Wit: Importancia de la educación superior
At no other time has higher education been more important Philip G Altbach and Hans de Wit 09 May 2023 Higher...
Educación: Fin y medios
Educación: Fin y medios ''Efectivamente, aprender a ser es ajeno a cualquier beneficio social, económico, político o...
Enséñame, si puedes
Enséñame, si puedes ''Enséñame, si puedes. Eso parecen decir hoy los alumnos de algunos de los mejores colegios...
Crisis del pensamiento liberal
Al liberalismo le crecen los enanos (a izquierda y derecha) Los conservadores le acusan de olvidar los vínculos con...