Tasa de deserción en la educción superior del Reino Unido se mantiene en torno a 20%
Febrero 22, 2008

Según informa la editoria de las páginas educacionales del diario The Guardian sobre la base de un reciente estudio emanado del Parlamento inglés, la tasa de deserción en la enseñanza superior en dicho país se mantiene desde hace cinco años en torno al 20%, a pesar de una inversión de 800 millones de libras para reducirla.
Se sostiene que se podría estar instalando una dinámica perversa que consiste en que las universidades aceptan un número cadas vez mayor de alumnos, muchos de ellos con un bajo capital escolar, con el fin de compensar el número de alumnos que abandona antes de terminar su primer grado. Sin embargo, son los mismos alumnos admitidos en condiciones de mayor precariedad escolar aquellos más vulnerables al abandono. Sobre todo, desde el momento que no estarían recibiendo una adecuada atención personalizada que les ayude a sobreponerse a las dificultades y evite que ellos abandonen los estudios.
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University dropout steady at 22%
Polly Curtis, education editor
Wednesday February 20, 2008
The Guardian
An £800m drive to reduce the number of university dropouts has had virtually no effect, according to a report from a committee of MPs. The proportion of students who fail to complete their degree has remained at 22% for five years, it reveals.
Universities are getting larger and “can be impersonal”, and fail to provide individual tutors to support students through their degrees, the public accounts committee said.
Instead of improving support for students, some universities are recruiting more students so that they don’t end up out of pocket when those who drop out take their funding with them, it said.
Edward Leigh MP, chairman of the committee, said: “Five years on from our last report on student retention the percentage of students dropping out from their original universities has not budged from 22%. This is despite some £800m being paid to universities over the same period to help retain students most likely to withdraw from courses early.”
Poorer students, older students, disabled students and those with families – the “non-traditional” students the government is keen to attract – are more likely to drop out.
In 2005 St George’s hospital medical school, Oxford University, the Royal Veterinary College, Warwick and Bristol universities had below 3% drop out rates. And the Russell group of elite research-led universities had much better retention rates.
“For universities with consistently low retention rates the funding council’s regional teams should agree specific improvement plans,” the committee’s report says, citing personal difficulties, dissatisfaction with courses and financial pressure as reasons why students drop out. Mental health problems are also a significant factor, but universities are poor at keeping records of reasons for leaving.
The report adds: “Increasing student numbers could result in bigger, more impersonal university environments. Tutoring and pastoral support systems therefore require appropriate resourcing, especially in terms of staff time.”
Leigh acknowledged that the job universities face has got harder as the number of students from disadvantaged backgrounds – those most likely to drop out – has increased. But he said: “Universities must get better at providing the kind of teaching and support services that students from under-represented groups need … personal tuition and pastoral care should also be given a higher priority.”
Rob Wilson, the shadow higher education minister, said: “Widening participation and improving retention rates must be priorities, but the government is currently wasting taxpayers’ money while student debt is soaring.”
Professor David Eastwood, chief executive of the Higher Education Funding Council for England, said: “As the report points out, there is a disparity of performance across the sector and there is no cause for complacency. We will be holding a number of workshops with the National Audit Office and higher education representatives in March and April on how we can improve performance and retention, which will inform our response to this report.”
Bill Rammell, the higher education minister, said: “Student retention rates in England compare very well internationally, a fact acknowledged in the NAO’s report … we continue to encourage schools and universities to form stronger structural links to help prepare students for university at a younger age.”


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