Una colega, profesora del Colegio Alemán de Santiago , me comunica gentilmente que en el sitio de la UNESCO se halla disponible este interesante documento: Road Map for Arts Education, surgido de la World Conference on Arts Education: “Building Creative Capacities for the 21st Century”, que tuvo lugar en Lisboa, los días 6 al 9 de marzo del año 2006.
A quienes interesa este tópico, podrán encontrar aquí un conjunto de reflexiones e indicaciones sobre la educación artística, tema que en anteriores ocasiones he abordado aquí con participación de profesoras de esta área.
El documento, que por el momento sólo se halla disponible en ingles, tiene los siguientes contenidos:
I. Background
II. The Aims of Arts Education
1. Uphold the Human Right to Education and Cultural Participation
2. Develop Individual Capabilities
3. Improve the Quality of Education
4. Promote the Expression of Cultural Diversity
III. Concepts Related to Arts Education
1. Arts Fields
2. Approaches to Arts Education
3. Dimensions of Arts Education
IV. Essential Strategies for Effective Arts Education
1. Education of teachers and artists
2. Partnerships
V. Research on Arts Education, and Knowledge Sharing
VI. Conclusion
VII. Recommendations (doc pdf)
1. Recommendations for Educators, Parents, Artists, and Directors of Schools and Training Institutions
2. Recommendations for Government Ministries and Policy Makers
3. Recommendations for UNESCO and Other Intergovernmental and Non-governmental Organizations
Annex : case studies
Acceder al documento completo aquí.
Recursos asociados
UNESCO, Enlaces para la educación y el arte
UNESCO, Conferencia Mundial sobre Educación artística, Lisboa; Portugal, de 6 a 9 de marzo 2006
Background [ver texto más abajo]
Based on deliberations during and after the World Conference on Arts Education, which took place from 6 to 9 March 2006 in Lisbon, Portugal, this “Road Map for Arts Education” aims to explore the role of Arts Education in meeting the need for creativity and cultural awareness in the 21st Century, and places emphasis on the strategies required to introduce or promote Arts Education in the learning environment.
This document is designed to promote a common understanding among all stakeholders of the importance of Arts Education and its essential role in improving the quality of education. It endeavours to define concepts and identify good practices in the field of Arts Education. In terms of its practical aspects, it is meant to serve as an evolving
reference document which outlines concrete changes and steps required to introduce or promote Arts Education in educational settings (formal and non-formal) and to establish a solid framework for future decisions and actions in this field. This Road Map therefore aims to communicate a vision and develop a consensus on the importance of Arts Education for building a creative and culturally aware society; encourage collaborative reflection and action; and garner the necessary financial and human resources to ensure the more complete integration of Arts Education into education systems and schools.
There is much debate concerning the many possible aims of Arts Education. This debate leads to questions such as: “Is Arts Education taught for appreciation alone or should it be seen as a means to enhance learning in other subjects?”; “Should art be taught as a discipline for its own sake or for the body of knowledge, skills and values to be derived from it (or both)?”; “Is Arts Education for a gifted few in selected disciplines or is Arts Education for all?”. These remain central issues in shaping the approach of arts practitioners, teachers, students and policy makers alike. The Road Map attempts a comprehensive response to these questions and emphasizes that creative and cultural development should be a basic function of education.