Issues in higher education policy 2006. An update on higher education policy issues in 2006 in 10 Western countries
Junio 20, 2007

cheps.png Un grupo de investigadores del Center for Higher Education Policty Studies (CHEPS) de la Universidad de Twente –integrado por Frans Kaiser, Jasmin Beverwijk, Adrie Dassen, Jarno Deen, Ben Jongbloed, Marc Kaulisch, Andrea Kottmann, Liudvika Leisyte, Hans Vossensteyn, Egbert de Weert– ha publicado su más reciente estudio Issues in higher education policy 2006. An update on higher education policy issues in 2006 in 10 Western countries.
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El estudio incluye a Alemania, Australia, Austria, Finlandia, Flandes, Francia, Holanda, Portugal, Reino Unido y Suecia.
Cubre los siguientes aspectos: estructura educacional, política de investigación, financiamiento de los sistemas y las instituciones, gobierno y calidad.
Recursos asociados
Declaración de Caracas sobre la Educación Superior, 3 junio 2007
Educación Superior Internacional Comparada (Escenarios, Temas y Problemas), libro de Francisco López Segrera, 30 mayo 2007
Proceso de Bolonia: Trends V Report, 23 mayo 2007
Recientes publicaciones sobre finanaciamiento de la educación superior (OECD), 19 mayo 2007
Prometeo de visita en América Latina, J.J. Brunner, para la Festschrift en homenaje a Guay Neave, 21 abril 2007
Mercados universitarios: Los nuevos escenarios de la educación superior, J.J. Brunner y D. Uribe (libro en prensa), 12 marzo 2007

Nota de introducción
Higher education systems increasingly are open to influences from outside the system. Describing higher education systems in a highly dynamic context therefore requires a regular updating of the information presented. The annual CHEPS International Higher Education Monitor1 (IHEM) update report provides insights into the latest developments in the higher education infrastructure, higher education finance, governance and quality assurance in the countries that the IHEM covers. In the first and main part of the report, the issues most pertinent in public debates and policies are identified and discussed. Information is collected from written and electronic sources as well as through consultation of national experts.
The second part of the report is a comparative reflection. In this part, the issues are identified that are common in a number of national systems or even in most systems. Although no additional country information is presented in this section, the comparative analysis also builds on insights obtained from relevant CHEPS research projects. The cross-national presentation of issues in some cases thus can cast a different light on the national issues.
1 The CHEPS ‘International Higher Education Monitor’ (IHEM) is an ongoing research project aimed at
the monitoring of higher education systems and higher education policies in ten (Western) European
countries and Australia. A major part of the project is commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of
Education, Science and Culture. IHEM consists of in-depth country reports, (describing national
systems and policies), thematic reports (providing in-depth comparative analyses of major issues in
higher education research), trend reports (identifying changes in quantitative aspects) and a database
with quantitative and qualitative information on the higher education systems. For further information


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