Laboristas: ¿aumentará el presupuesto para las universidades?
Julio 23, 2024

Labour has ‘no plans’ to raise university fees or funding

Bridget Phillipson has signalled that the Labour government in the United Kingdom is not planning to ease universities’ funding fears with an increase in tuition fees or public funding, but will back international student recruitment to help put institutions “on a more sustainable footing”, reports Research Professional News.

The new education secretary was speaking in an interview with the BBC’s World at One after Keir Starmer’s government set out its legislative agenda in the King’s speech to parliament – in which measures on university funding did not feature.

But there will be warm welcomes from university leaders for her messages on backing the Graduate Route visa, which Labour was silent on in opposition despite government moves, eventually abandoned, to scrap the route; on reform of the English sector regulator; and on increasing opportunities for young people to go to university.

Full report on the Research Professional News site


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