Costos y beneficios de la educación dual
Marzo 31, 2017

captura-de-pantalla-2016-11-24-a-las-10-27-21Kuczera, M. (2017), “Striking the right balance: Costs and benefits of apprenticeship”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 153, OECD Publishing, Paris.

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For students, apprenticeships are an attractive form of learning as they simultaneously enhance skills and prepare them for jobs and careers. Typically, public authorities organise and fund off-the-job education and training, while employers take responsibility for the supervision and training of apprentices during their work placements. The involvement of both public authorities and employers in the design and provision of apprenticeships is a key strength, however, the successful involvement of various stakeholders in apprenticeships can be a challenge as it requires the reconciliation of different interests and the careful distribution of costs and benefits from apprenticeships. Well-designed apprenticeship systems are attractive to students, create value for employers, and support economic growth.


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