Universidades del Africa: Ranking
Agosto 1, 2015

Ranking of African Universities and Higher Institutions (2015)


Journals Consortium is glad to release the 2015 African Universities and Higher Institutions Ranking. This maiden edition of the ranking includes 1447 African universities and other higher institutions of learning and research. The ranking is based on two factors: research publications and citations from the last five years (2010 to 2014) as well as their visibility on the internet. See methodology.

South African institution dominate the top ten with University of Cape Town topping the ranking with a Total Influence Factor (TIF) of 45.02. This is followed by Cairo University (TIF: 43.43) and the University of Pretoria (TIF: 43.35). The top ten includes six institutions from South African, two from Egypt and one each from Kenya and Nigeria.

Rank Institution Country Total Influence Factor
1 University of Cape Town South Africa South Africa 45.02
2 Cairo University Egypt Egypt 43.43
3 University of Pretoria South Africa South Africa 43.35
4 University of Nairobi Kenya Kenya 42.81
5 University of South Africa South Africa South Africa 42.32
6 University of the Witwatersrand South Africa South Africa 42.20
7 Stellenbosch University South Africa South Africa 42.16
8 University of Ibadan Nigeria Nigeria 41.22
9 University of Kwazulu Natal South Africa South Africa 41.13
10 Ain Shams University Egypt Egypt 40.54

The complete ranking is freely available at http://ranking.journalsconsortium.org. You can also view the ranking at the national level for each country either by clicking of the county’s flag or name on the left menu of the website.

African universities are still not well represented in international rankings. The creation of the Journals Consortium University Rankings will help reflect the situation in the sphere of higher education in African universities as accurately and fully as possible to compare comparable educational systems and increase the recognition of African universities among students, employers, researchers and policy makers.

We welcome your comments on this maiden edition of the ranking of African Universities and Higher Institutions Ranking.

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Yours sincerely,
Journals Consortium


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