Nuevo International Higher Education (IHE)
Enero 22, 2015

International Higher Education

The full current issue is available here

International Higher Education (IHE) is the quarterly publication of the Center for International Higher Education.

IHE publishes insightful, informed, and high-quality commentary and analysis on trends and issues of importance to higher education systems, institutions, and stakeholders around the world. Each edition also includes short abstracts of new books and other publications of relevance to the global higher education community.

IHE‘s contributors are drawn largely from a network of distinguished international scholars, policymakers, and leaders, who are well-positioned to offer critical perspectives on key issues and trends that shape higher education worldwide.

IHE is published in English, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

For our Russian edition, click here.
For our Chinese edition, click here.
For our Spanish edition, click here.
For our Portuguese edition, click here.


No 79: Winter 2015

Table of Contents

Full Issue

Number 79: Winter 2015 PDF

International Issues and Trends

The Worldwide Emergence of Liberal Education PDF
Kara A. Godwin 2-4
Financing Education Hubs: Who Invests? PDF
Jane Knight 4-5
What Counts for Academic Productivity in Research Universities? PDF
Philip G. Altbach 6-7

Higher Education: The Emergence of a Field of Research and Practice

The Skewed Global Landscape of Higher Education Training and Research PDF
Laura E. Rumbley 8-9
Communicating Higher Education: An Analysis of Journals in the Field of Higher Education PDF
Ariane de Gayardon de Fenoyl 10-11
International Higher Education Research and Comparative Analysis PDF
Anna Kosmützky, Georg Krücken 11-13

Rankings: Patterns and Themes

Academic Ranking of World Universities: Changes in World Higher Education? PDF
Ying Cheng 13-15
The Times Higher Education Rankings and the Mysterious “Rise of Asia” PDF
Alex Usher 15-16

Africa Focus

Confronting the Challenges of Graduate Education in Sub-Saharan Africa PDF
Fred M. Hayward, Daniel J. Ncayiyana 16-18
Private Twilight: Wither Private Universities in Kenya PDF
Ishmael I. Munene 18-19

Student Mobility

International Student Enrollment: Evidence-Driven Strategies PDF
Rahul Choudaha 20-21
Kazakhstan’s Bolashak Scholarship Program PDF
Aida Sagintayeva, Zakir Jumakulov 21-23
International Students in Indian UniversitiesVeena PDF
Veena Bhalla, Krishnapratap B. Powar 23-24

Countries and Regions

Governance and Regulation: Do UK Messages Have International Relevance? PDF
Robin Middlehurst 24-26
Croatia’s New Linear Tuition System: Students’ Friend or Foe? PDF
Lucia Brajkovic 26-27
Ukraine: The New Reforms and Internationalization PDF
Sonja Knutson, Valentyna Kushnarenko 18-19


New Publications PDF


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