Volume 3 Number 3 2011 ISSN 1757-7438
Migration and Education
Guest Editor: PAUL MILLER
Paul Miller. Editorial. Migration and Education
Snezana Ratković. Transitions from Exile to Academia: experiences and identities of refugee women teachers from the former Yugoslavia
Sarah Walker. Access Denied: refugee children and the exclusionary logic of the education system in England
Merike Darmody. Power, Education and Migration into Ireland
Monica Waterhouse. This Land is Our Land? Multiple Literacies and Becoming-Citizen in an Adult ESL Classroom
Kristen H. Perry & Christine A. Mallozzi. ‘Are You Able … to Learn?’: power and access to higher education for African refugees in the USA
Yasmin Y. Ortiga. Looking beyond the Obvious: power, epistemic culture and student migration in the knowledge-based economy
Bruce Anthony Collet. Religion, Forced Migration and Schooling: varying influences of religious capital among Iraqi Christian refugee students in Jordan and the USA
Velibor Bobo Kovač & Maryann Jortveit. The ‘Why, What and How’ of Inclusion from the Practitioner’s Point of View: inclusion of immigrant children in the Norwegian educational system
Jean-Émile Charlier & Sarah Croché. The Bologna Process: a tool for Europe’s hegemonic project on Africa
Muslim Women and Sport (Tansin Benn, Gertrud Pfister, Haifaa Jawad, Eds), reviewed by Dean Garratt
School Trouble: identity, power, and politics in education (Deborah Youdell), reviewed by Renira Vellos
The New Folk Devils: Muslim boys and education in England (Farzana Shain), reviewed by Kathryn Kashyap
Chinese Learning Journeys: chasing the dream (Feng Su, Ed.), reviewed by Jerome Satterthwaite
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