Circula el último número de la revista electrónica Educational Research dedicada a temas internaiconales de la educación.
(Todos los artículos accesibles aquí en su texto completo).
Emeka C. Ekeke and Ephraim A. Ikegbu
The sanctity of human life in the twenty first century: the challenge of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 312-318 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (71.4 KB)
Norman, A.S.
Assessment of elections stakeholders in elections management.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 319-326 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (94.8 KB)
Research articles
Yanhui Pang
Emergent literacy skills of three, young Chinese-English bilingual children.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 327-332 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (75.5 KB)
Jude J Obiunu
The interaction of sex with career day on the career decision making of secondary school adolescent students.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 333-339 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (74.9 KB)
Kingsley Nyarko
Parental home involvement: The missing link in adolescents’ academic achievement.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 340-344 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (56.4 KB)
Y. Gurcan Ultanir
The contribution of alleged secularists in Turkey to United States and Germany’s Islamic organizations.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 345-355 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] ( KB)
Menon, J.A, Musonda, V.C.T, Glazebrook, C
Perception of care in Zambian women attending community antenatal clinics.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 356-362 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (76.1 KB)
Ali Khalid Ali Bawaneh, Ahmad Nurulazam Md Zain and Salmiza Saleh
Investigating tenth grade Jordanian Students’ thinking styles based on Herrmann’s Whole Brain Model for the purpose of developing new teaching method in modifying science misconceptions.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 363-372 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (190 KB)
T.A. Oluwatelure, K. O. Oloruntegbe and J. O. Agbayewa.
Level of awareness of Teacher trainees on correct use and maintenance of light microscope –a case study of two Teacher Education institutions.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 373-381 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (444 KB)
Zadock Obuchere Murundu, Francis Chisikwa Indoshi, Michael Okello Okwara
School based factors influencing implementation of early childhood development and education curriculum.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 382-389 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] ( 79.7KB)
John Tella, Francis Chisikwa Indoshi, Lucas A. Othuon
Relationship between Students’ Perspectives on the Secondary School English Curriculum and their Academic Achievement in Kenya.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 390-395 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] ( 3.8 MB)
Karen Nyambura Nyangara, Francis Chisikwa Indoshi, Lucas O. Othuon
Home Science Education in Kenya: The need for review.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 396-401 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (79.2 KB)
George O. Ogott, Francis Chisikwa Indoshi, Michael Okello Okwara
Determination of language materials selected, developed and used in the early childhood education programme.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 402-409 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (72.4 KB)
Nana Adu-Pipim Boaduo FRC and Daphne Gumbi
Development studies students as constructors of classroom pedagogy in practice: Observed classroom dynamics from the Kingdom of Lesotho.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 410-423 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (151 KB)
Nyongesa Edward, Ndiku J. Mualuko and Shiundu John
Factors and processes involved in the appointment of head teachers for secondary schools in Kenya: political concerns.
Educ. Res. 2010 1(9): 424-431 [Abstract] [Full Text-PDF] (87 KB)
Educational Research ISSN: 2141-5161
SIMCE: Resultados 2025
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