Chile necesitará enfrentar en el futuro próximo la situación de los colegios de peor, persistente, mal rendimiento en las pruebas SIMCE. De allí que resulte de interés conocer qué se hace en otros países para poner de pie a estos establecimientos.
A continuación el reportaje sobre un proceso de transformación de una escuela primaria fracasada de San Francisco. ¿Cuánto tiempo tomó? ¿Qué cambios se introdujeron? ¿Qué dicen los actores de esta transformación?
Más abajo versión traducida automáticamente al español por Google translate.
U.S. tapping S.F. school’s recipe for success
Jill Tucker, San Francisco Chronicle, Tuesday, April 20, 2010
A top education official in the Obama administration sat in San Francisco’s Marshall Elementary School cafeteria taking notes Monday as parents, teachers and administrators recited a recipe for what it takes to turn around a struggling school.
The main ingredients included quality teachers, involved parents and a supportive principal mixed perhaps with a new dual-immersion language program. Time must be allowed to let it all take hold.
It is the kind of formula federal officials would love to see in place at schools across the country. Too many schools are failing year after year with no end in sight, said U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Tony Miller.
Some high schools have a dropout rate of up to 40 percent, and that’s no longer acceptable, he said. Meanwhile, too many students graduate from high school unprepared for college and they end up needing remedial classes at their university or college, Miller said.
“We’re lying to kids,” said Miller during the second stop on a two-day tour around San Francisco to meet school officials and staff, politicians and business leaders.
At Marshall, Miller was especially interested in the school’s dual-immersion Spanish program.
The program combines English learners and native speakers with the goal that all students will obtain grade-level literacy and proficiency in both English and Spanish by the time they move on to middle school. The idea was embraced by the school community – a necessary component of any reform, several parents told Miller.
The school’s test scores have been improving as has the school’s popularity since the program started six years ago.
With pen poised, Miller asked parents, teachers and administrators in the Marshall cafeteria how they created the school’s culture – one that includes open communication among all parties while raising money, giving computer workshops for parents and posting one of the highest attendance rates in the district.
Principal Peter Avila cited several factors, including having a social worker, nurse, full-time instructional support staff member and paid parent liaison on campus – mostly funded by federal stimulus dollars or the city’s Proposition H school enrichment money.
The parent liaison, Araceli Villalobos, knows every child and their parents, and works with them on attendance, nutrition and whatever needs they have regarding the child’s education.
Parents grilled Miller about federal efforts to turn poor-performing schools into successful ones. They asked about the prescriptive efforts to overhaul the state’s 5 percent persistently lowest-achieving schools. To get federal funding, districts either will have to close those schools, turn them into charter schools, or revamp the staff and curriculum.
“It’s time to take more drastic measures,” Miller said of those schools, 10 of which are in San Francisco. “We are not always saying what’s popular.”
Perhaps the most popular question of the day for Miller came from a Marshall student.
“Have you ever played basketball with President Obama,” asked fifth-grader Greyson Gerhard-Young.
“The answer is no,” Miller said laughing. “But I hope it’s actually: No, not yet.”
E-mail Jill Tucker at [email protected].
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