El Banco Mundial ha publicado recientemente tres documentos sobre evaluación de aprendizajes que pueden obtenerse (en inglés) aquí:
El primer documento, “Assessing National Achievement Levels in Education,” explica los objetivos de la evaluación educativa y resume las características principales de la evaluación del logro escolar en nueve países.
El segundo ocumento, “Questionnaires for a National Assessment of Educational Achievement,” está dirigido a los equipos nacionales de evaluación educativa y explica las actividades involucradas en el desarrollo de pruebas de desempeño escolar.
Finalmente, el tercer documento, “Using the Results of a National Assessment of Educational Achievement,” se enfoca en cómo los países han usado los resultados de exámenes de rendimiento escolar para influir en la política y la reforma educativa.
Using the Results of a National Assessment of Educational Achievement (PDF, 1.7MB)
National Assessment of Educational Achievement – Volume V
Thomas Kellaghan, Vincent Greaney, T. Scott Murray. 2009
The book outlines general considerations in translating national assessment results into policy and action, and examines specific procedures for using the data in policy making, educational management, teaching, and promoting public awareness.
Developing Tests and Questionnaires for a National Assessment of Educational Achievement (PDF, 1.2MB)
National Assessment of Education Achievement Series – Volume II
Prue Anderson, George Morgan. Document Date: 2008
This book is the second in the series designed to help build capacity in carrying out technically adequate assessments of student achievement. It introduces readers to the activities involved in the development of achievement tests, and includes developing an assessment framework, writing multiple choice and constructed response type items, pretesting, producing test booklets, and handscoring items. A section on questionnaire construction features designing questionnaires, writing questions coding responses, and linking questionnaire and test score data, The final section covers the development of a test administration manual, selecting test administrators, and contacting samples schools. A companion CD contains examples of released items from national and international tests, sample questionnaires, and administrative manuals.
Assessing National Achievement Levels in Education (PDF, 1.4MB)
National Assessment of Education Achievement Series – Volume I
Vincent Greaney, Thomas Kellaghan. Document Date: 2/1/2008
Sound assessment of the performance of educational systems is a key component in developing policies to optimize the development of human capital around the world. Assessing National Achievement Levels in Education is one of a series of five books which introduce key concepts in national assessments of student achievement levels.
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