El CHEPS ha publicado recientemente el documento: GATS and the steering capacity of a nation state in higher education: Case studies of the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, cuyos autores son Aleš Vlk, Ministry of Education, The Czech Republic; Don Westerheijden, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies, Twente University, The Netherlands, y Marijk van der Wende, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies, Twente University, The Netherlands.
Aborda el significado que tiene para los Estados nacionales (con referencia a los casos de la República Checa y los Países Bajos) el GATS (Acuerdo General de Comercialización de Servicios) aplicado a la educación superior.
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This paper looks at the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) as an important part of the international trade law system and explores if and how it affects the steering capacity of a nation state regarding higher education. It offers a new conceptual framework to look on the impact of GATS on higher education within its increasingly complex environment by distinguishing between the ‘static’ dimension (GATS’ rules and disciplines) and the ‘dynamic’ dimension (stakeholders’ standpoints, views and actions).
Furthermore, by comparing two case studies conducted in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, it connects the theoretical framework on GATS and the steering capacity of a nation state with specific national conditions and complements case studies that have been so far carried out in other countries. We concluded that neither through the static dimension nor through the dynamic, was the steering capacity in the two cases affected directly: nation states remain the prime actors regarding higher education. Nevertheless, exercising their power over higher education has become more complex and nation states must take more consequences of their internal policy choices into account, which may be difficult to predict.
Recursos asociados
Google, búsqueda Gats y educación superior, 2008
Blog de Roberto Rodrígue
Este Blog, Internacionalización transfronteriza de la educación superior, 2005
Carmen García Guadilla, ¿Se desastibiliza la noción de bien público en la educación superior?, 2005
Jane Knight, Servicios de Educación Superior: Implicaciones del GATS, 2002
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