La OCDE ha dado a conocer hoy un anticipo de los resultados de la Prueba PISA – 2006, sobre rendimiento de los alumnos en ciencias, prueba en la cual participó también Chile, que ha alcanza el mejor puntaje entre los países latinoamericanos participantes, según puede observarse en la Tabla dada a conocer por la OCDE.
En esta prueba participaron 57 países y Chile ocupó el lugar número 40, situándose inmediatamente por encima de Chile: Israel, Grecia, Portugal, Italia, Rusia, Luxemburgo y Noruega.
Los resultados completos serán dados a conocer el día 4 de diciembre.
Ver más abajo el texto del comunicado de la OCDE.
Recursos asociados
Assessing Scientific, Reading and Mathematical Literacy: A Framework for PISA 2006 3,5 MB
Muestra de preguntas de PISA 2006 en ciencias, matemática y lenguaje
Información complementaria
PISA 2006 analiza el conocimiento científico de los estudiantes de los países de la OCDE,, 30 noviembre 2007
Estudiantes españoles de 15 años, debajo del promedio de la OCDE en Ciencias, Terra, 30 noviembre 2007
Encuesta de la OCDE: México, último lugar en aprovechamiento en ciencias, La Jornada, México, 30 noviembre 2007
PISA 2006 – advance details
The PISA survey is the most comprehensive and rigorous international yardstick of secondary-school students’ attainments. PISA 2006 was held in 57 countries that together account for nearly 90% of world GDP. It tested students on how much they knew about science and their ability to use scientific knowledge and understanding to identify and address questions and resolve problems in daily life. It also examined student performance in reading and mathematics, and collected data on the student, family and institutional factors that can help explain differences in performance.
For advance details of individual countries’ performance in the PISA 2006 survey, click on the link below. Full details and analysis will be published by the OECD at 10.00 a.m. Paris time on Tuesday 4 December 2007.
Table: Range of rank on the PISA 2006 science scale
The table summarises the performance of 15-year-olds in science. It shows three main pieces of information:
The average score of the country on the science assessment. Across the 30 OECD countries the scores are statistically standardised to have an average of 500 points. The scores are also standardised so that approximately two-thirds of the students score between 400 and 600 – that is the standard deviation is 100. The colour coding in the list of the countries in the first column gives an indication of whether the country’s score is statistically significantly above, below or not different from the OECD average.
The rank of the country compared to other OECD countries. When a sample of students represents all students in a country, it is not always possible to state with 100% accuracy what the exact rank of the country is compared with other countries. For this reason, OECD calculates, with 95% confidence, a range of ranks that the country falls within. For example, in the list above, OECD is 95% confident that New Zealand ranks between 2nd and 5th of all the OECD countries.
The rank of the country compared to all the countries which participated in PISA 2006. The same 95% level of confidence is applied when comparing a country’s position to all the other countries. For example, the list above shows, with 95% confidence, that Croatia ranks between 23rd and 30th position of all the countries which participated in PISA 2006.
In addition to ranking the countries according to students’ science performance, the OECD carries out extensive analysis to explore the reasons for differences between countries, between schools and between students. This analysis will be released by the OECD at 10.00 a.m. Paris time on Tuesday 4 December 2007.