Se presentan a continuación las publicaciones más recientes del grupo de trabajo del Banco Mundial sobre educación terciaria.
Cross-border Tertiary Education: A Way towards Capacity Development (pdf – 1.9MB)
OECD and The World Bank. 2007
The purpose of this book is to cast light on these opportunities and challenges, especially for developing countries willing to leverage cross-border higher education as a tool for development. This book discusses the concept of capacity-building through cross-border education, emphasising the critical role of quality assurance and trade negotiations. This volume should be of particular interest to both education policy makers and the myriad stakeholders in higher education from developing countries. The book is also available for purchase online at OECD Online Bookshop.
Higher Education Quality Assurance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Status, Challenges, Opportunities, and Promising Practices (pdf – 426KB)
Peter Materu. 2007
This report summarizes the findings from a study on quality assurance for higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa. The research was conducted between November 2005 and December 2006 through document and web reviews, interviews and six detailed country case studies covering Cameroon, Ghana, Mauritius, Nigeria, South Africa and Tanzania.
Trends in International Trade in Higher Education: Implications and Options for Developing Countries (pdf – 1.26MB)
Sajitha Bashir. 2007
The objectives of this paper are to provide policy makers in developing countries, Bank staff and others associated with higher education policy development with information on and analyses of the recent trends in international trade in higher education and to present the policy issues and options that arise from it.
Enseignement Supérieur en Afrique francophone: quels leviers pour des politiques financièrement soutenables? (pdf – 526KB)
Pierre Antoine Gioan. 2007
Africa Region Human Development Working Paper Series
Innovations in Tertiary Education Financing: A Comparative Evaluation of Allocation Mechanisms (pdf – 1.06MB)
Jamil Salmi and Arthur M. Hauptman. 2006
This paper examines a range of recent experiences with both traditional and more innovative allocation mechanisms in tertiary education worldwide. The objective of the paper is to survey the landscape of innovation and highlight lessons that can help policy makers in developing and transition countries formulate strategies for increasing the effectiveness of their public policies for tertiary education.
Innovation Funds for Higher Education: A Users’ Guide for World Bank Funded Projects (pdf – 970KB)
William Saint. 2006
This paper is Users’ Guide for innovation funds in tertiary education. It is intended for Bank staff and other education professionals who seek to cultivate demand-driven processes for the improvement of educational quality.
Latin American Universities and the Third Mission: Trends, Challenges and Policy Options (pdf – 356KB)
Kristian Thorn, Maarja Soo. 2006
This paper discusses trends and challenges within Latin American universities, as well as policy options available for strengthening their contributions to social and economic development. The so-called ‘third mission’ of universities is often equated with knowledge transfer narrowly defined as licensing and commercialization of research. The paper adopts a broader approach and explores how the new role of universities affects all aspects of academic practice in Latin America, including advanced education and research.
Vacaciones italianas en el origen de la Escuela de Frankfurt
FELLOW-TRAVELLERS The surprisingly sunny origins of the Frankfurt School. By Thomas Meaney November, 25 , 2024 One of...