Mexico: Country Note on Higher Education Policies
Noviembre 28, 2006

oecd3.jpg Informe de la OECD publicado el 28 noviembre de 2006 que contiene una revisión de las políticas de educación superior en México.
El Informe fue preparado por José Joaquín Brunner (Chile, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez), rapporteur; Carmen García Guadilla (Venezuela, Universidad Central de Venezuela); Johann Gerlach (Germany, Freie Universität Berlin); Paulo Santiago (OECD), co-ordinator y Léa Velho (Brazil, Universidade Estadual de Campinas).
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Este estudio forma parte de la Thematic Review of Tertiary Education que lleva cabo la OECD, cuya justificación y objetivos se enuncian de la siguiente forma:
Many OECD countries have recently experienced rapid growth in tertiary education. With increasing globalisation of the economy and labour markets, their tertiary education systems are facing new pressures. This led the OECD’s Education Committee to request a major review of tertiary education. Twenty-four countries are participating in this review.
The review examines how the organisation, management and delivery of tertiary education can help countries achieve their economic and social objectives. It will focus primarily on national policies for tertiary education systems rather than on institutional policies and practices. Key questions include the economic and social objectives of tertiary education; sustainability, structures, links and mechanisms to ensure quality; mobilising adequate funding resources; and national policies and mechanisms to ensure effective governance.

A su turno, los Country reviews tienen los siguientes objetivos:
— To provide insights and suggestions for tertiary education policy development in the country concerned.
— To inform the wider international community about (a) the main features of the country’s tertiary education policy; and (b) innovative and effective approaches to tertiary education policy in the country concerned.
— To inform the final comparative report from the project.

Recursos asociados
Estudio de base preparado por la Secretaría de Educación del Gobierno de México con ocasión de la revisión de la OECD. Disponible aquí como download file (PDF) 2,4 MB


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