
Universidades de EEUU como nuevos focos Covid

How Colleges Became the New Covid Hot Spots Like meatpacking plants and nursing homes early in the pandemic, campuses across the country are experiencing outbreaks. By Shawn Hubler and Anemona Hartocollis Sept. 11, 2020Updated 4:40 p.m. ET It began last month with a...

Evidencia para el retorno a los colegios

Thursday, September 3, 2020 Newsletter Seven Ways Research Can Guide Schools’ Recovery from the Coronavirus SHARE THIS EMAIL: When the coronavirus pandemic struck the health and economic systems of the world, it also dealt a blow to schools, which were forced to turn...

¿Basta con STEM para una buena vida en sociedad?

¿Basta con STEM para una buena vida en sociedad? "La pandemia ha mostrado el predominio de las ciencias naturales, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas. A su lado, las ciencias sociales y humanidades aparecen disminuidas y descuidadas". José Joaquín Brunner, Domingo...

Entrevista Castro Municipio – TV : Política, educación

Castro Municipio Castro TV JOSÉ JOAQUÍN BRUNNER ANALIZA LA HISTORIA POLÍTICA RECIENTE, EN UN ESPECIAL DE CASTRO TV Castro Municipio TV 2 horas ·  El académico de la Universidad Diego Portales, político, columnista y experto en sistemas educacionales comparados a nivel...

¿Regresar a la escuela?

A Parent’s Toughest Call: In-Person Schooling or Not? Parents are wrestling with difficult choices over sending their children to school. Here’s how one science reporter made the decision. By Apoorva Mandavilli, Sept. 1, 2020  All summer, as information about how the...

De regreso a los colegios, visión de McKinsey

Back to school: A framework for remote and hybrid learning amid COVID-19 August 31, 2020 | Article As school systems prepare to reopen, here’s how to create a safe and effective learning environment for everyone. By Emma Dorn, Frédéric Panier, Nina Probst, and Jimmy...