
Ataques a colegios a nivel global

Attacks on Education Worsening Globally, Study Shows HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH Deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on schools and universities, their students, and staff have become more widespread over the last five years, the Global Coalition to Protect Education from...

Capital humano por Alex Usher

[divider scroll_text="SCROLL_TEXT"]  Human Capital Theory   May 9th, 2018 - Alex Usher My work exists at the junction of a few different fields – management, public administration, sociology and economics (which is kind of funny because my degree is in none of those...

Ex Rector Pérez y las finanzas de la UCH

Opinión Situación financiera de la Universidad de Chile Víctor Pérez, ex Rector UCH, MAR 8 MAY 2018 | 09:26 AM  [space height="HEIGHT"] Señor director En “Reportajes” de La Tercera del domingo 6 de mayo, en la nota ”Sube la tensión en carrera por la rectoría de la U....

Elección en la UCH: Programas de los candidatos

Según lo dispuesto en el Decreto Universitario Exento Nº 004522 del 9 de marzo de 2010 "Reglamento General de Elecciones y Consultas" y en la Convocatoria a Elección de Rector, Decreto Exento N° 007585 de fecha 13 de marzo de 2018, podrán votar todos los académicos...

Riesgos en conducción universidades (conclusión)

Risk (Conclusion) April 19th, 2018 - Alex Usher Just to recap the last few blogs: First, ensuring that institutions are managing risk is pretty much the most important responsibility Boards of Governors have. They need the tools to understand how it is being done and...

Riesgos operacionales de las universidades

Risks (Operational)   April 18th, 2018 - Alex Usher Ok, so we’ve been through all the prestige/reputational risk stuff ( here andhere ), and tomorrow we will deal with financial risk. But today, there’s the issue of straight-up operational risk: that is, the...