
OECD: Financiamiento de colegios

Investigating the complexities of school funding by Deborah Nusche Senior Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills Back in 2013, when we launched the OECD's first international review of school resource policies, we may not have been fully prepared for the...

Educación y sociedad de riesgos

Risky Business Posted: 13 Jun 2017 08:42 AM PDT by Tracey Burns Project Leader and Senior Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, so do the risks we face. A disease breaking out in a village in Africa, a...

Tiempo de clases y productividad de la enseñanza

educationtoday blog Studying more may not make you a top-performer Posted: 20 Jun 2017 03:11 AM PDT by Hélène Guillou Consultant, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills It’s 3pm in Finland. A bell rings, marking the end of classes in a middle school and time for...

Compromiso con la reforma del Estado

Compromiso con la reforma del Estado Estamos frente a una encrucijada: o seguimos sobrecargando al Estado de más y más funciones, responsabilidades y demandas sin modernizarlo —y entonces podemos anticipar su fracaso—, o bien introducimos reformas en serio que...

International Higher Education

International Higher Education NO 90 (2017) TABLE OF CONTENTS FULL ISSUE Full issue PDF 1-31 INTERNATIONAL ISSUES US Student Mobility Trends in a Global Context Rajika Bhandari PDF 2-3 China and International Student Mobility Hang Gao, Hans de Wit PDF 3-5 Are...

Llamado: Society for Research into Higher Education

Final Call for Papers: SRHE International Research Conference 2017 Submissions closing date: Friday 23 June 2017 Higher Education rising to the challenge: Balancing expectations of students, society and stakeholders 6-8 December 2017: Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales, UK...