
Clases medias en el mundo

El huracán político que está cambiando el mundo: la clase media Los ciudadanos de rentas medias convulsionan la política. En los países ricos luchan por mantener su nivel de vida, mientras en las economías emergentes dan la batalla para acelerar sus progresos Otros 18...

Universidades de “clase mundial”

Flagship Universities vs. World-Class Universities September 21th, 2017 - Alex Usher Almost since the "world-class" university paradigm was established fifteen years ago, the concept has faced a backlash.  The concept was too focussed on research production, it was...

Automatización y el futuro

Automation, AI, and the Emerging Economies 9/13/17 Shahid Yusuf For the world’s middle-income countries, the changes unleashed by automation, digital technologies, and the advent of increasingly more capable AI pose major challenges. They threaten to upend the few...


  Building trust in exams Posted: 08 Sep 2017 01:39 PM PDT by Andreas Schleicher Director, Directorate for Education and Skills Quality high-stakes exams have always been one of the most reliable predictors of the performance of an education system. They signal...

Argumentos en Canadá sobre precio de aranceles

Did CIBC Really Just Call for Lower Tuition? September 5th 2017 - Alex Usher Last week, HuffPost ran a story highlighting a newsletter from CIBC Economics about higher education.  It was actually a pretty meandering letter (CIBC Economics pieces on higher education...

Colegios privados, alumnos, marihuana

Conmoción por suicidio de menor que portaba marihuana Cristián Warnken, apoderado de la Alianza Francesa: "Si vamos a empezar a llevar a los jóvenes a la comisaría, eso es inconducente" por ALEJANDRA CARMONA LÓPEZ 7 septiembre, 2017 Después de la muerte de un niño de...