
Simon Schwartzman: Universidade para todos? (2)

Universidade para todos? (2) By Simon on Feb 02, 2019 10:38 am (Publicado no site GaúchaZH e Jornal Zero Hora de Porto Alegre) Com somente 18% da população entre 25 e 34 anos com educação superior, o Brasil está muito atrasado neste aspecto, se comparado com Colômbia...

Machuca o la política del absurdo

Machuca O la política del absurdo José Joaquín Brunner, Académico UDP y exministro VIE 1 FEB 2019 | 09:27 AM El debate ideológico entre admisión justa y ley Machuca apunta a una interrogante clave: ¿conviene, o no, y por qué en cada caso ampliar y diversificar...

EE.UU – colleges rurales

Mitch Smith, January 13, 2019 STEVENS POINT, Wis. — Chancellor Bernie Patterson’s message to his campus was blunt: To remain solvent and relevant, his 125-year-old university needed to reinvent itself. Some longstanding liberal arts degrees, including those in...

4a revolución industrial, educación y empleo

What the fourth industrial revolution could mean for education and jobs Posted: 22 Jan 2019 05:47 AM PST By Andreas Schleicher Director, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills It’s so much easier to educate students for our past, than for their future. Schools are...

Francia: Ingreso selectivo a la universidad

French university admissions: the crème de la crème?  Reforms to the French university admission system have ushered in greater selectivity in an attempt to address high dropout rates. But without adequate filtering by family background, will this disproportionately...

Nuevo trato entre rectores

Integran el consejo asesor de la ministra Cubillos El nuevo “trato” de los rectores Hasta hace poco en trincheras distintas, los rectores de la Universidad de Chile y de los Andes revelan la “nueva etapa” de colaboración en que están embarcados, intentando dejar atrás...

Motivación y ansiedad enn los estudios

educationtoday blog How is students’ motivation related to performance and anxiety? Posted: 17 Jan 2019 04:14 AM PST By Jeffrey Mo Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has extensively measured student...

América Latina: educación y Economía

 Politics & Policy, aBloomberg Opinion Latin America Needs to Fix Its Education Deficit Investing more in human capital is the region’s best hope to escape the middle-income trap. By Shannon K O'Neil 9 de enero de 2019 13:00 GMT-3 In a recent interview, World Bank...

Pablo Torche: selección académica

La selección escolar es efectiva para un país que no queremos construir por Pablo Torche 22 de enero de 2019 El sistema educacional que reclama la sociedad actual es uno completamente distinto, que tienda a un país más integrado, donde todos tengan acceso a los...

Continuidad entre educación temprana y primaria

blog Ireland is rethinking its curriculum for young children. Here’s what it can learn from other countries Posted: 11 Jan 2019 03:20 AM PST By Derek Grant, Claire Reidy and Arlene Forster National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), Ireland Changes are on...