International Higher Education: nuevo número

Our first issue of 2018 features an insightful selection of articles on internationalization—a key topic in this era of nationalism. Additional articles on the university presidency, trends in scientific communication, the new excellence initiative in France, the...

Alemania: Formación dual

Por qué en Alemania puedes conseguir un buen trabajo sin ir a la Universidad El 68% de los estudiantes alemanes que cursan FP Dual consiguen un empleo. En España, las trabas administrativas impiden el éxito del modelo ANA TORRES MENÁRGUEZ, Madrid 8 ENE 2018 - 08:03...

Empleabilidad de graduados educación terciaria

educationtoday blog What the expansion of higher education means for graduates in the labour market Posted: 21 Dec 2017 02:00 AM PST by Markus Schwabe Statistician, Directorate for Education and Skills   A university degree has always been considered as key to a good...

Mitos sobre la evaluación estandarizada

Busting the myth about standardised testing Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:49 AM PST by Tarek Mostafa Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills Standardised testing has received a bad rap in recent years. Parents and educators argue that too much testing can make students...

¿Quién paga la educación superior?

Who really bears the cost of education? Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:49 AM PST by Marie-Hélène Doumet Senior Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills It can be difficult to get your head around education finance. Who actually pays for it, where does the money come...

La OCDE y la educación chilena

Cartas Domingo 17 de diciembre de 2017 La OCDE y la educación chilena    Señor Director: A propósito del reciente Informe sobre la Educación Chilena dado a conocer por la OCDE y con el fin de evitar su utilización con fines puramente coyunturales, conviene aclarar...