
Aghion sobre qué factores producen inventores

What Makes an Inventor? Jan 5, 2018 PHILIPPE AGHION ,  UFUK AKCIGIT ,  ARI HYYTINEN ,  OTTO TOIVANENEconomists have long examined the factors determining whether someone becomes an inventor, and they have generally found that the best step aspiring innovators can take...

Mitos sobre la evaluación estandarizada

Busting the myth about standardised testing Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:49 AM PST by Tarek Mostafa Analyst, Directorate for Education and Skills Standardised testing has received a bad rap in recent years. Parents and educators argue that too much testing can make students...

Ley para Universidades del Estado

CÁMARA APRUEBA PROYECTO QUE FORTALECE Y MODERNIZA UNIVERSIDADES DEL ESTADO Publicado el 20 de diciembre del 2017 La iniciativa tiene como propósito establecer un marco jurídico que permita que las universidades del Estado fortalezcan sus estándares de calidad...

Alex Usher: La economía de los rankings

The Economics of Rankings November 27, 2017 - Alex Usher One of the greatest misapprehensions about rankings - and there are a lot, believe me - is that rankers are "just doing it for the money".  For the most part, this is wrong.  It's really hard to make money at...

Alex Usher: Universidad neoliberal (5)

Last Orders on Neoliberalism (Neoliberalism Part 5) November 24th, 2017 - Alex Usher To sum up the week's arguments: Neoliberalism is about markets.  There are actually very few genuine markets in higher education and where there are they can be quite beneficial...

Alex Usher: Universidad Neoliberal (4)

Measurement and Management at Universities (Neoliberalism Part 4) November 23rd, 2017 - Alex Usher To date, we have looked at market mechanisms and competition in universities and shown that a) they aren't in fact all that neo-liberal and b) particularly with respect...