
La economía como disciplina: encrucijadas

 The Economists' New Clothes? With economists struggling to derive credible explanations of macroeconomic conditions from the prevailing models, those who have long criticized the discipline for its scientific pretensions are feeling vindicated. And it remains to be...

Media Lab del MIT: Fantasía y realidad

Hype vs. Reality at the MIT Media Lab By Nell Gluckman September 11, 2019 Cambridge, Mass. It was a validating moment for Caleb Harper. Norman Foster, the renowned architect who designed Apple’s circular headquarters, had come to the Massachusetts Institute of...

Humanidades y STEM

Long Reads Mind Over STEM Aug 30, 2019 NICHOLAS AGAR With universities around the world cutting liberal-arts programs and even eliminating entire majors such as history, there is every reason to worry about the fate of the humanities. In an era of deepening...

Formación en políticas públicas

Don’t Blame Economics, Blame Public Policy Sep 1, 2019 RICARDO HAUSMANN Engineering and medicine have in many respects become separate from their respective underlying sciences of physics and biology. Public-policy schools, which typically have a strong economics...

Academia ultra rápida, profesores lentos

The ‘slow professor’ could bring back creativity to our universities August 25, 2019 7.31am EDT Author Julien Lefort-Favreau Assistant Professor, French Studies, Queen's University, Ontario Disclosure statement Julien Lefort-Favreau has received funding from the...

Estado de la educación superior en Polonia

Poland’s higher education reforms: power grab or necessary adjustment? Poland’s authoritarian government is routinely compared to its widely criticised counterpart in Hungary, and its university reforms sparked a wave of protest by students and academics fearful of...

Definiciones del Subsecretario de Educación Superior

Juan Eduardo Vargas da sus primeras definiciones, a una semana de llegar a la nueva entidad: Subsecretario de Educación Superior anticipa diálogo con otras instituciones y “no solo con el Consejo de Rectores” Dice que “no habrá borrón y cuenta nueva” en el sistema de...