JULY 22, 2019 • 2 MINUTE READ Microsoft invests in and partners with OpenAI to support us building beneficial AGI Microsoft is investing $1 billion in OpenAI to support us building artificial general intelligence (AGI) with widely distributedeconomic benefits. We’re...
Simon Schwartzman: Futuro de universidades federales en Brasil
O Futuro das Federais By Simon on Jul 24, 2019 11:50 am (Versão ampliada de artigo publicado em O Globo, 23/8/2019, p.3) O programa Future-se, anunciado pelo MEC para fortalecer a autonomia administrativa e financeira das universidades federais, procura responder a um...
International Higher Education, Nº 98, 2019
PUBLISHED: 2019-06-05 FULL ISSUE Full Issue PDF INTERNATIONAL ISSUES AND TRENDS Connectivity of National Systems of Higher Education: Evidence from the U21 Rankings Ross Williams 2-3 PDF Higher Education Equity Policies across the Globe Jamil Salmi 4-5 PDF Two Cheers...
Simón Schwartzman: O novo programa do MEC para as universidades federais
Nova postagem no blog de Simon Schwartzman View this email in your browser O novo programa do MEC para as universidades federais By Simon on Jul 17, 2019 11:36 am Pelas primeiras informações, o programa anunciado hoje, 17/07/2019, pelo Ministério da Educação para as...
Brasil, educación Superior
As Universidades Brasileiras, a OCDE e o Processo de Bologna By Simon on Jul 12, 2019 07:52 am (Publicado no jornal O Estado de São Paulo, 12 de julho de 2019) O objetivo do ingresso do Brasil na Organização para a Cooperação Econômica e Desenvolvimento, OCDE, é fazer...
Revista ESAL número 6
Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina La Revista de Educación Superior en América Latina (ESAL) divulga temas de educación superior, basada en conocimiento científico, académico y profesional de alto nivel. La revista se publica semestralmente, es de...
Investigación científica en el mundo: publicar o morir
Research publications: does piling them high sell them short? All modern academics know that it’s publish or perish, but is regular publication a gateway or a barrier to groundbreaking scholarship? Simon Baker assesses the data on the relationship between research...
Entrevista sobre tópicos de educación superior
EDUCACIÓN | 7/4/2019 9:04:00 AM “La educación superior gratuita es irreal y profundamente inequitativa" Por Tatiana Rojas, Semana, Bogotá, Colombia José Joaquín Brunner, exministro de Estado en Chile e invitado de la Cumbre Líderes por la Educación habló con SEMANA...
Dosier: Posmodernismo y las humanidades
The Birth, Death, and Rebirth of Postmodernism No other idea from the humanities had so massive, if murky, an influence. What was Postmodernism? In the 35 years since Fredric Jameson’s New Left Review essay “Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism” —...
Capital privado en educación superior (A. Usher, II)
View as Webpage Private Capital in Higher Education (Part 2) June 18th, 2019 - Alex Usher To really understand universities, you need to understand their cost structure. And to understand their cost structure, you need to understand that unlike businesses, they keep...
Hungría: la universidad iliberal
JUNE 6, 2024 | ALEX USHER Illiberal Universities One of the most interesting stories in global higher education over...
Universidades chinas en comparación con Canadá
MAY 27, 2024 | ALEX USHER A China Update If you’ve been reading this bog for a while, you’ll know that I occasionally...
Entrevista sobre educación en América Latina – diario El País
José Joaquín Brunner: “La competencia de las escuelas son el crimen organizado y el narco” El reconocido académico...
Libertad académica y Gaza en las universidades de USA
Academic freedom and the crisis of campus Gaza protests Nathan M Greenfield 25 May 2024 Two decisions on opposite...