Vol. 30 Núm. 59 nov-abr (2019) Publicado November 13, 2019 Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - Investigación Fernando Svampa, Diego Aguiar Los consejos de investigaciones y la tensión entre culturas burocráticas y académicas. El CONICET entre 1983-1989 PDF Nerina...
Países nórdicos: visión sobre su educación superior
View as Webpage Scandinavian Round-Up November 5th, 2019 - Alex Usher Every once in awhile it’s useful to take a look at how things are developing in other parts of the world. Today, a quick trip to the three Scandinavian countries. Norway is by some distance the most...
Tecnología y formación
ENTREVISTA A JOSÉ ANTONIO MARINA “La tecnología está creando una pasividad peligrosa” El pensador denuncia "un empobrecimiento intelectual absoluto y dramático" por el mal uso del móvil ELISA SILIÓ Madrid 30 OCT 2019 - 20:13 CET El pensador José Antonio Marina este...
¿Qué reglas aplicar a la filantropía?
FUND RAISING Universities Are Facing Criticism for Taking Dirty Money. Do Their Donor Policies Protect Them? By Francie Diep OCTOBER 30, 2019 PREMIUM Is it time for new rules for donations to colleges and universities? Brown University apparently thought so. On...
Conversación sobre la burocracia de las universidades
How to avoid being sucked into the black hole of administration Bureaucracy is the bane of every academic’s life. But who is to blame for its proliferation – and how can it be kept in check? Six academics have their say – while a registrar offers an equal and opposite...
Con un pionero del machine learning
Interview with Bernhard Schölkopf Machine learning pioneer on how he became obsessed with stars as a child, why many AI predictions are just hype, and whether he is tempted to join big tech full-time October 17, 2019 By David Matthews Twitter: @DavidMJourno Bernhard...
Medir la experiencia de los estudiantes
An Author of ‘Academically Adrift’ Strikes Again Last week Richard Arum, a co-author of the influential book “Academically Adrift,” unveiled an effort to measure the complexity of learning inside the classroom. The kickoff event took place at the U. of California at...
Canadá: Agenda de política universitaria / de investigación
Honing the University Party's Growth Agenda September 16th, 2019 - Alex Usher It’s election season, and so everyone is trotting out promises and coming up with manifestos. These manifestos are lists of specific promised policy initiatives, but they are also –...
La economía como disciplina: encrucijadas
The Economists' New Clothes? With economists struggling to derive credible explanations of macroeconomic conditions from the prevailing models, those who have long criticized the discipline for its scientific pretensions are feeling vindicated. And it remains to be...
Media Lab del MIT: Fantasía y realidad
Hype vs. Reality at the MIT Media Lab By Nell Gluckman September 11, 2019 Cambridge, Mass. It was a validating moment for Caleb Harper. Norman Foster, the renowned architect who designed Apple’s circular headquarters, had come to the Massachusetts Institute of...
Nuevas derechas
José Joaquín Brunner: "Alrededor del mundo, las derechas designadas como extremas, radicales, duras, alternativas o...
Nuevo número publicado – Educación XX1, 27(2)
Nuevo número publicado – Educación XX1, 27(2) Tabla de contenidos Editorial Salud mental, violencia y competencias...
Webinar: Financiamiento de la Educación Superior en Chile – Estudiantes e Instituciones
Propuestas para el financiamiento de la Educación Superior en Chile: Estudiantes e Instituciones Escuchar aquí 3 jul...
Anticomunismo: usos y abusos
Anticomunismo: usos y abusos por José Joaquín Brunner, 3 julio, 2024 Parte de las ambigüedades de fondo del PC, que un...