FUTURES OF HIGHER EDUCATION This project on the Futures of Higher Education will stimulate creative and imaginative thinking and ideas about the futures of higher education to 2050. The project takes a global perspective, nurturing discussions around the role...
Un largo camino hacia el futuro
Un largo camino hacia el futuro 14 de marzo de 2021 ¿Cómo y cuánto cambiará en el futuro?Es probable que la enorme variedad actual de programas formativos, en vez de continuar ampliándose, experimente una relativa consolidación, bajo la forma de un currículo global...
Unesco: Desigualdad de género en la educación superior
Mar 12, 2021, 1:25 PM (23 hours ago) to me INFORME DE UNESCO IESALC AFIRMA QUE LA DESIGUALDAD DE GÉNERO EN LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR SIGUE SIENDO UN PROBLEMA UNIVERSAL Las mujeres constituyeron un porcentaje levemente mayor (53%) de los graduados de pregrado y...
Estudio sobre relaciones académicas entre Inglaterra y China
UK universities’ closeness to China poses risks, says Jo Johnson Study led by former minister concludes dangers of closer collaboration are poorly understood Rachel Hall @rachela_hall Tue 9 Mar 2021 00.01 GMT The former universities minister Jo Johnson has warned of...
Ranking de universidades de países con economías emergentes
Emerging Economies University Rankings 2021: promising partnerships Better technology and a global focus may pull the higher education world closer together March 9, 2021 Ellie Bothwell From access to basic equipment, technology and quiet working spaces to childcare...
Universidades mejores del mundo dirigidas por mujeres
One-fifth of the world’s top universities led by women Number of female vice-chancellors at high-ranking institutions has reached new milestone based on THE World University Rankings data March 5, 2021 Ellie Bothwell View the full list of the top universities led by...
Imapcto de la pandemia en las vidas de la educación superior
‘We’re Here Now’: One year in, the pandemic has upended higher education. A day in these lives shows how. By Francie Diep , Lindsay Ellis, and Nell Gluckman MARCH 6, 2021 Jeff Ayisire woke before sunrise on March 1 with tears in his eyes. He’d had a dream. In the...
Mariana Mazzucato: rol de los gobiernos en el capitalismo contemporáneo
Mariana Mazzucato: ‘I was sick of just being told: “You make me happy”’ After her first book, The Entrepreneurial State, catapulted her into the academic stratosphere, the UCL economist has paused her audiences with senior politicians to write a follow-up that uses...
¿Premio Nobel para las vacunes del COVID-19?
Is it too soon for a Nobel Prize for the Covid vaccine? mRNA pioneers, Oxford vaccine scientists and Bill Gates are potential contenders for science’s top prize February 10, 2021 Jack Grove It may seem absurdly early to think about scientific prizes for Covid...
Politicas de la educación superior: gobierno Biden
Higher Ed Under Biden-Harris: Live Updates FEBRUARY 8, 2021 The Justice Department says it is dismissing its discrimination lawsuit against Yale University. In his first weeks in office, President Biden has promised to reverse several Trump-administration policies and...
México: ¿Cuál es el rumbo en la educación básica?
¿Cuál es el rumbo en la educación básica? Manuel Gil Antón| 31/08/2024 | Alicia, en el país de las maravillas, llega a...
El papel de la crítica en la educación
El papel de la crítica en la educación Manuel Gil Antón| 28/09/2024 |05:18 |Actualizada 28/09/2024 05:18 Manuel Gil...
Los “dos culturas” en China y Occidente
China vs the West: Snow’s ‘two culture’ theory goes global Richard Holmes 28 August 2024 In 1959, CP Snow, a British...
La institucionalidad de las universidades: ¿forzadas a cambiar?
José Joaquín Brunner/ ex ministro de Estado, académico y experto en educación /La institucionalidad de las...