GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION’S POST-COVID FUTURE (4) – THE RETURN OF POLITICS SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 | ALEX USHER On Monday, I described some of the big changes of the past 18 months; Tuesday I discussed the first big future trend (“Funding Challenges Forever”),...
Alex Usher: Financiamiento de la educación superior
GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION’S POST-COVID FUTURE (1) SEPTEMBER 27, 2021 | ALEX USHER Back in July, I was kindly invited to a conference sponsored by the Perspektywy Foundation in Warsaw to give a talk about the future of global higher education after COVID. Over this...
GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION’S POST-COVID FUTURE (4) – THE RETURN OF POLITICS SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 | ALEX USHER HESA recognizes the importance of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and the ongoing need to commit to actions that promote and enable real...
Columbus: Programa para Directivos Universitarios
Programa para Directivos Universitarios: Trazando Rutas de Acción para la “Nueva Normalidad” en la Educación Superior 14 de octubre - 3 de diciembre, 2021 Este programa proporcionará las competencias profesionales para que los líderes institucionales, sin dejar de dar...
¿Humanidades versus STEM?
Nicholas Dirks: the ‘two cultures’ must finally be reconciled Resistance to the knowledge generated by science will only be overcome with the help of the humanities. But what can universities do to bridge C. P. Snow’s famous divide between these fields, which endures...
¿Riesgos de buscadores académicos?
Will a Facebook-style news feed aid discovery or destroy serendipity? Academics’ reading lists are increasingly directed by algorithms. But are the recommendation services of platforms such as Google Scholar, ResearchGate and Mendeley distorting science? And might AI...
¿Hacia un CV narrativo para los investigadores?
Research intelligence: how to write a compelling narrative CV With ‘storytelling’ CVs becoming crucial in hiring and funding decisions, Jack Grove explores how academics can craft compelling research statements August 3, 2021 Jack Grove Securing a first-authored paper...
Discusión sobre cambios en el financiamiento de universidades británicas
Don’t delay publishing English funding plans, ministers urged Wrangling between DfE and Treasury over direction of policy appears to be main roadblock August 3, 2021 Simon Baker Publishing proposals on the future of higher education financing in England over the...
Inglaterra: Financiamiento de las artes sigue en declinación
Funding cuts to go ahead for university arts courses in England despite opposition Education secretary Gavin Williamson says money will be put towards Stem and medicine courses The education secretary, Gavin Williamson. Arts groups have warned cuts would affect the...
Promoción en la carrear académica
Opacity and double standards are infuriating, but the blessings of an academic career are present at all ranks July 14, 2021 Adrian Furnham Promotion in academia has always been a rather opaque process that elicits deep emotions – mostly negative.Not that promotion is...
Nuevo fondo de financiamiento para la investigación
Presidente Boric anunció nuevo fondo de financiamiento a investigación para las Universidades En sesión conmemorativa...
¿Cuál es el problema?
¿Cuál es el problema? Por: Manuel Gil Antón (Colaboración para El Universal), Profesor del Centro de Estudios...
España: Universidades en ranking de Shanghái
Las universidades españolas resisten en el ‘ranking’ de Shanghái ante la pujanza de las chinas Estados Unidos lidera...
España: Universidades públicas ahogadas
Universidades públicas ahogadas La apuesta por los centros privados de la Comunidad de Madrid no puede hacerse en...