
La idea y práctica de una ciencia ciudadana

Citizen science makes breakthrough post-pandemic Equity challenges loom, but solidifying evidence of value brings academic stature to science of partnering with the public November 19, 2021 Paul Basken After a decade of steady growth in the concept of citizen science,...

Debate sobre aranceles en Gran Bretaña

Cutting tuition fees in England wouldn’t be good news for universities – or students Lorna Finlayson  Without overhauling the market-driven system, reducing high fees will only benefit the government Mon 8 Nov 2021 10.00 GMT The government is said to be...

México: La autonomía universitaria: otra mirada

La autonomía universitaria: otra mirada Manuel Gil Antón Los defensores sin matices de la autonomía en nuestros días, ¿criticaron esta forma de operar? ¿Sintieron que había una injerencia del gobierno? No OPINIÓN 13/11/2021  02:55  Actualizada  03:00 Manuel Gil Antón...

Universidades de EEUU y Canadá (2): Alex Usher

SAME BUT DIFFERENT (PART 2) NOVEMBER 3, 2021 | ALEX USHER Yesterday, I outlined the key similarities between the US and Canadian higher education systems.  Today, let’s talk differences. The most obvious dissimilarity is some of the institutional forms. Religious...