
¿Un nuevo enfoque para la educación superior?

The space for a new saga for higher education is emerging Peter Scott  25 May 2022 There is currently a particular saga about contemporary higher education that has become so familiar and so pervasive that it has tended to crowd out all others. It is based on...

Estudios superiores en Corea del Norte

Is academic life in North Korea as strange and difficult as you think? Even universities in the hermit kingdom largely cut themselves off from the rest of the world. Yet those few Westerners with direct experience of them suggest that while critical inquiry is...

Un sistema público de educación superior

Un sistema público de educación superior Hernán Neira, Departamento de Filosofía USACH, 11 de mayo de 2022 Las universidades estatales requieren que la nueva Constitución restituya al Estado las tareas y financiamiento de la educación pública. No es aceptable que la...

Papers científicos, ¿hasta cuándo?

The big idea: should we get rid of the scientific paper? As a format it’s slow, encourages hype, and is difficult to correct. A radical overhaul of publishing could make science better Stuart Ritchie Mon 11 Apr 2022 12.30 BST When was the last time you saw a...

Intereses corporativos y universidades en USA

Are corporate interests taking over US higher education?  Just as campaigns to promote societal benefit show strength, activists admit setbacks in wider battleground for basic academic freedom Paul Basken,May 5, 2022 Confrontations over corporate interference are...

Ranking THE universidades según impacto 2022

Expanded impact rankings reflect rising interest in SDGs UWN reporter  30 April 2022 A record 1,524 institutions from 110 countries or regions have participated in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings this year, a 23% increase since last year, reflecting...

Universidades públicas: estatales y no estatales

Universidades públicas: estatales y no estatales "Las universidades se constituyen como públicas en una esfera intermedia situada entre el Estado y la sociedad civil, con independencia de si provienen de uno o la otra. En efecto, la esfera pública es algo distinto de...